Chapter 14 the end?

Start from the beginning

My voice was slowly during out as I went on but it seems that no one herd. As I was put in a while car with a cross on it. I was finally free. Just nothing. 

Connors pov 

As I herd the bullet it was too late it. It shot her. She was. She was-was down. As soon as she dropped still I felt water. Was this what humans called tears. I dropped ta my knees. It hurt. When I looked up people. Humans. They were blocking us from the FBI they were protecting us. Lucy- her speech it helped us-. After a few minuets I saw Lucy rushed into a hospital vehicle by what I believe humans would call a stretcher. After they left I had determination. 

Lucy. She fought for us I will make sure that her pain was not in vain.
They wasn't attacking. They couldn't but some got threw. Who was that.  

"this is enough!" 

She had short slightly blond hair. She was in a suit. 

"what i have seen today is disgraceful from you. FBI. As the Mayer/ government of Detroit androids will be given freedom. They will no linger live as slaves but as normal civilians. My decision is final. Guard bring me the signing rule sheet!" 

One of the people she was with gave her a piece of paper. 

"This law is not no more" 

She ripped it up. 

"Guard! Write a new rule. Write as i say. From this day forward androids will be given the same rights and treatment as any one else" 

Marcus's pov

Lucy. She was hurt. Shot. Murder. All that for us. My knees was shacking. They felt like jelly. But I had to stay strong. 

People in the crowds. What are they doing. Are they helping us.  

As soon as they stood where lucy was I knew they meant no harm. 

I saw Lucy rushed on a thing into a while la the car. It does away.   

After waiting in silence for what seemed forever this lady showed us. (We know what she says but I'm not re paying it) 

After that we was allowed  to leave in peace with freedom over us.

"lets go" 

I told Connor. My fists clenched. 

"to see.." 

I nodded as we ran Connor directed us there. 

When we arrived there was few people here.   

We went up to the desk. 

"exude me" 

The person looked us. They was a female. 

"yes. Can I help you two" 

"a friend. Close friend of ours was rushed in I'm sure you know why and who" 

I told her looking at the news on T.V. 

"yes I do. I'm sorry for what happened but she is in room 275. I hope she is fine. The doctors will share information with you when  you arrive" 

When we arrived there was a man with shoulder length white hair.

Connor ran up to him.  


When I walked up to them the doctor started talking. 

"listen I will give to you straight. Miss lucy she..

She did not make it. The bullet went right threw her even though it didn't damage her much on her insides she has missing organs. I looked threw her records. When she was born she was very fragile.  In a easy was she would of died but someone helped her. This time she was not as lucky. I'm sorry for your lose" 

As the doctor finished I broke down. Before I fell the doctor asked us. 

"would you like to see her one last time?" 

We nodded. 

When he opened the door it pained me. Her so deadly pail was not a ghostly white. Her eyes was dull an lifeless. Lips what was once so red was now a pail . She hair was tangled an messy when before it was always so neat with a small bit of spikes in it. 

She was gone. Gone forever. She might be able to do impossible things but this is something no one could make possible.  

It was silent now. I never knew how much I loved something till it was gone.
(This is also what Connor thinks)

Jason's pov 

It had been some time now. We had all made it on the train. It seems that lucy put tickets in our pockets before hand for emergency but there is something that doesn't seem right. While on the bus something caught our attention. 

"Live right now one of the FBI members shot a female who was standing up for androids and there freedom. What will happe- wait a minuet look at this. People are gathering around to protect the androids. More and more are helping out. It seems that doctors are helping the shot female. Can we get a close up"

When they zoomed in. It stopped. My heart. My world stopped. I was frozen as I saw her. Lucy. My lovely lucy. She was the one who was shot. 

"Wow I can't believe the FBI would be so cruel to someone. Boo. It seems like she is being taken to hospital now. We are not sure what will happen to her but i hope she will be ok. That was a very bad injury" 

I could feel arms on me. When I looked down. Alice. 

She was crying. Everyone was. I could feel something slide down my checks. Was I crying. We all hugged each other in sadness. She might never come back. 

It hurt. I let you go and I lost you, my friend. My family... My love. 

I guess this could be the end maybe if I can bother I will do a different ending to this one. I hope everyone has enjoyed thus story. This is goodbye everyone.

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