When i walk out all their jaws drop, including Millies and i feel my face getting hot"Guuuuys stooop youre making me self conscious" i laugh and cover my face with my hands

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When i walk out all their jaws drop, including Millies and i feel my face getting hot
"Guuuuys stooop youre making me self conscious" i laugh and cover my face with my hands.
No one says anything, but I hear the sound of someone facetiming, then it connects.
"Hey Millie whats up?" I hear FINNS FUCKING VOICE SAY
"Look at your girlfriend. Look at your fucking girlfriend Finn."
Finn doesn't say anything for a while and then i think i hear him mutter
"holy shit"
i turn around to go back into the changing room
"Peace out im done"
"NO!" Ella, Sophia, and Sadie all yell at the same time, so i turn around.
"Guys stoooooop it youre making me wanna slam my head against a wall"
It's really not that gorgeous of a dress. Like its pretty and all but i dont really see what the big deal is" i say, laughing nervously
"Its not about the dress Kels. Its about the way yOUR HOT SELF LOOKS IN THE DRESS" Sophia screams at me
"Here. Get your fine ass out here and pose." Sadie demands, taking out her phone
"Only if Millie hangs up on Finn"
"What why-" Finn starts to say, but Millie hangs up on him.
"Okay im gonna take a video. Walk out of the room and spin, then like pose at the end or do something cute"
"Sadie. Honey. We both know i dont do 'cute."
"Shut up dipshit. Just do it."
Despite every nerve in my body screaming at me not to humiliate myself like this, i do as she asks.
Of course she sends the video to Finn, I already feel stupid enough as it is.
"Okay Kels get changed and give me that dress" Millie says as i walk back to the room
"Oh, are you gonna buy it for yourself? You definitely should its your color and everything"
"No bitch. Im buying it for you."
"wHaT?" I call out to her
"Its like $600 dollars!"
"Yeah and?"
"And it doesn't even look good on me anyway, im not hot enough to own something like this!!"
"Did you even hear what Finn was muttering?
"All he said was holy shit..?"
"Oooh trust me babe he was saying a lot more than that. He'd literally go insane if you got it"
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
"What... else did he say?"
I ask, coming out with my normal clothes on holding the dress
She smirks
"Ask him."
fuck ya chicken strips

After a few more hours of shopping we decided to head back, not because we were tired of it, but because we literally couldn't hold another bag.
Now im sitting on the balcony watching the sunset while i face time Finn.
Him and the boys are going clubbing tonight, which i think is kinda funny. I dont know why.
A lot of girls would be worried about being in a situation knowing your beautiful ass celebrity boyfriend is going clubbing while youre in a different state, but im not the least bit stressed.
Finn and I are so past stuff like that yanno? Our relationship is deeper than that.
Every once in a while Wyatt pops in to have me approve of his outfit choices, and so far theyve all been terrible.
"So. What did you guys do today?"
"Nothing really. We all just laid in a pile on the ground, we were all too depressed to get up because we missed you so much"
I shrug
"Cant blame ya"
"Nah actually Jack and I went shopping. Sorta ironic that you guys did too"
I put my face really close to the camera
"Ooooo what did ya get?"
"Ill show you tomorrow you weirdo"
"What about you? What did you get?"
He asks, as Wyatt comes in holding a pair of jeans.
I give him a thumbs up and he runs back out
"Eh just a bunch of shit i dont need. Im probably gonna have to live on the streets for a couple months to recover from all i spent"
His face gets serious
"Did you get that dress?"
heeeeere we go. I dont really see why its such a big deal.
"Yeah haha Millie bought it for me. It was like 600 bucks too"
"Definitely worth it"
"actually Millie told me you were muttering stuff on facetime but then she wouldnt tell me what it you were saying, she said i had to ask you... so uh...."
I laugh nervously and he just smiles at me, not saying anything
"Hi yes hello can i get an answer?"
"Actually I gotta go now, theyre all waiting for me in the car"
"okay cool awesome great fantastic im just gonna throw myself off this balcony. haha. its only like 40 stories up, no biggie. talk to ya later!"
"dont you fucking dare. theres this really good Chinese place i wanna show you tomorrow so you gotta live til then. itll be worth it trust me. I really gotta go now but I love ya, if you jump ill kill you bye"
I hang up as soon as he finishes talking, so he cant hang up on me first.
You see, in most relationships people dont want to be the first to hang up on the other, i dunno if its outta respect or love or what.
Thats not how Finn and I roll.
We always race to see who can hang up first, but the rule is you cant hang up while someone's talking.
I laugh and decide to head inside.
I guess dying can wait. I love Chinese.

Its 4am and everyone is passed the fuck out except for me.
We decided to watch Stranger Things, much to Sadie and Millies displeasure, but 3 to 2 majority wins.
Its been amazing so far.
Its so funny watching them cringe at themselves, Millie literally had to leave the room a couple times.
I haven't seen season 2 so Sadie hasn't been in it yet, but I heard she has to kiss Caleb so i cant wait to make her watch that part with me.
On the other hand, this is my first time watching it.
And i am hOOKED.
I haven't looked away from the screen in four hours, and im an emotional wreck.
Im so attached to the story line already, but the fact that my friends are in it makes it even better.
And FINN OH MY GOD. I cant breathe.
I legitimately screamed when his first scene came on.
Ask Sophia. She has a video of it.
I fell on the floor and laid there for like an hour, but now im sitting right in front of the tv.
It lowkey hurts my neck but im too intrigued to care.
Suddenly my phone starts ringing, causing me to jump ten feet in the air and bang my head on the ceiling.
I see its Finn and answer it, but then find myself face to face with Noah.
"Uh hey Schnapp wassup"
"Your boyfriend is completely black out drunk, and youre all hes been able to talk about for the past hour"
I pause the show and laugh
"Well you dont seemed too pleased about that"
"Dont get me wrong i loVE YOU, but please come get your mans, hes DRIVING ME INSANE"
"You know what might help with that? Having a couple drinks. That'll help you tune him right out"
"No can do. Im the designated driver. I hate my fucking life"
I roll back on the ground laughing
Of course hes the driver
"Alright well, what do you want me to do?"
"Just talk to him. Please. Hes been dying to call you for the last few hours but he thought you'd be asleep"
"ACTUALLY im watching season one of stranger things. And i must say im extremely intrigued."
I die laughing at the look on his face
i hear faintly in the background, then the phone is ripped from Noahs hands and im face to face with Finn.
A goofy smile spreads on his face and if i didnt already know he was drunk, I definitely would now.
His eyes are barely open and his hair is all messed up, like hes been hanging out the window of a moving car or something.
"Hellooooooo beautiful"
i cant help but laugh because he's ADORABLE
"hey bubba how ya doin"
"Im doing incredible. Fantastic. I found out I really like caramel vodka. Its tastes like cookies. WHAT ARE YOU DOING"
He shoves his face towards the camera so its only showing his eye
Ive never seen him drunk before, and i must say, i love it. Its hilarious.
"Im actually watching season one of stranger things with the girls"
i raise the camera to show them all dead asleep in random positions
He smiles goofily at me
"Michael Wheeler your local girlfriend stealer"
I fall back on the ground laughing and he laughs too
"laugh again" he says, propping his face on his hand 
"Uh no"
"Come on your laugh is cute"
"Stop it you dweeb youre making me blushy"
"youre such a dork. i love it" he says, still smiling at me
"I love a lot about you actually . Like your eyes and your smile and your hair is REALLY SOFT and im happy i dont know how to braid good so then you try to teach me and i get to touch your hair a lot. I love your meme folders. And your taste in music. And when we have roast battles. But i hate it when you beat me at everything"
"So you admit that i beat you!!"
His face goes blank
"No. No! I let you win!"
"No you dont!"
"Yes I do!"
"Okay fine fine you let me win"
He smirks at me again
"No i dont. I lied. Im actually just bad at everything ."
I smile widely at him
"Told ya so"
"I wish you were here. I miss you and I dont want to sleep alone so im having a sleepover with Wyatt and Jack, but theyre not as cool as you"
"HEY!" I hear two voices say and then their faces pop in the screen
I blow them a kiss and they both flip me off
"Well you wont really have to sleep for long, isnt your flight at like 9am?"
"Haha i dont remember. Noah is in charge of us for tonight so maybe he knows. HEY NOAH WHEN IS OUR FLIGHT"
Its funny because Noah is sitting right next to him in the car, and i can visibly see him cringe
"9am. Im never being the designated driver ever again."
"Its at 9am" finn informs me, putting the phone right in his face again
"were gonna have a couple hours to blow before the concert tomorrow so is there anything you wanna do?"
He smirks and I raise an eyebrow
"Haha nice try. Fuck you."
"Is that an invitation?"
"If you were here id milly rock and slack you off the face of the planet"
He smirks at me then suddenly his face gets really sad
"Oh no my phones at 1% and i dont have a charger!"
"Its okay, save your battery just in case you need it. Ill see you tomorrow morning. Love you loser"
"Okay. Night Kels I love you a lot" he kisses the camera and i do too, then a devilish grin spreads on his face and he ends the call before i can.
That fucker.
I unpause the show, watching the rest of the season with a smile never leaving my face until the scene where eleven dies.
A bitch mightve cried her eyes out.
Who knows.

Whats up fuckers

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