I woke up to the sound of my brothers arguing about something stupid most likely. I groaned and went to get out of the bunk. It's literally the beginning of the tour and they are already at each other's throats. I poke my sleepy head out from behind the curtains and groaned. "Can you two dickheads shut the fuck up?" I was heavily annoyed. They stop and look towards me.

"Well look who's awake finally. I was starting to wonder if you were alive or not Remington."

"Shut up Sebastian. It's only ten in the morning." I grumbled a bit. Not gonna lie, I was hungry so, I was going to get up anyway. As I did, my face was met with what I was hoping was clean underwear or at least a rag. I quickly tried to dispose of whatever it was and shivered slightly. I heard Emerson laugh and I flipped him off. Wasn't really in the mood for bullshit this early.

I head to the little kitchen area and fix myself a small little breakfast, while doing so I turned on the tv to a random channel. The bus was fairly clean and everything so that wasn't a thing to stress over yet or at least not at this second. I grab some random flavor of pop tarts and make my way back to my bunk.

As far as I knew we were heading to a show somewhere in Boston. I lied back down in my bunk with a sigh and began to eat my breakfast. My brothers had calmed themselves and talked in hushed voices. I was glad for that if I'm being honest. Don't get me wrong, I love them but they can get on my nerves sometimes. Especially if one has a hangover. 

After a few hours, when everyone was awake and active, I decided to log onto social media and tune out the world around me. I laughed at a few memes of us on Instagram and read the daily drama tweets on Twitter. Some were hilariously dumb and others downright pissed me off. But I would get over it fairly quickly or try not to let it bother me too badly. I would see the weird things I would be tagged in as well as the others. I would cringe at somethings that just didn't seem right. Shaking those off I went to text a few people and check times and all that fun crap.

The bus lurched to a stop causing me to almost spill my drink. I moved my curtains and poked my head out with a brow raised. I wondered if we were stopping for fuel or we were at the venue. And so I got out of my bunk and stretched. I noticed that Emerson had disappeared leaving Sebastian and now Daniel near the front, on their phones. Daniel was laughing at a video. I couldn't tell what he was watching or listening to, but it was cracking the man up. I silently chuckled and shook my head as I then made my way to the back to the bathroom. The bathroom was a bit of a mess, there was a bucket in the shower. I took a moment and stared at it in great confusion. Since when has that been there?  I wondered to myself. I was too engrossed in staring at the bucket I didn't realize that Sebastian was calling for me until I had a towel thrown at me. I whirled to look at him. "Yes? What?"

"I've called you for a bit. What the hell was staring at?" Sebastian said with what I could tell was that he was trying not to laugh.

"There's a bucket in the shower. How long has that been there?"

"I have no clue why?" so he knew it had been there. Made me wonder, had I been showering and not notice the bucket? Or was it just recently placed there?

I had zoned out slightly and Sebastian snapped his fingers in front of my face. I blinked and looked at him with brows raised. "What do you need?" it sounded a bit whinier than I would have liked it too. He only chuckled and walked back to the front, leaving me confused and very clueless. 


Later on in the day, I found myself walking in the city. I had to get away from the others for a bit to enjoy some peace before that night and the next. We have two gigs here but at different venues. 

With my hands in my pockets and my sunglasses on, I enjoyed the great weather with a small grin on my face. I was surprised at the number of people that were out. You'd think there would be people out, but the streets looked to be barren. Empty almost. Taking out my phone, I unlocked it and opened Instagram, and made a small video for my story. Afterward, I pocketed my phone. Sighing peacefully, I enjoyed the peace I was in. The reason I enjoyed it was, who knows how long one could feel this way, or ever feel this way again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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