Vampires vs Zombies!!!

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Day 1.

Everybody knew it was coming.Everybody knew that loads of their team members were going to die.There was going to be a big fight going between...Vampires and Zombies!!

Day 2.

Everybody trained hard and nearly every single vampire and zombie were in this fight because they needed to save there home town!Everyday every single person trained so hard and they were risking there lifes to help kill there enimies.


It was olny 2 more days until the real fight and the 2 teams havent decieded who there team captian was! So they voted and for the vampire team their captian was Sam who was 19 years old.The zombie teams captian was called Robert and he was 18 years old  so the Vampires had a better chance of winning!

Day 4.

It was there last day of training Everyone was training so hard.But then something terrible happend the teams captian sam died so they had to choose another one so they chose Alex who was 18years old also.Now the vampires and zombies are equal.Alex read out the rules for the fight and he said  "You are not allowed to get and extra team member in a team there has to be 20 team members because its not fair" "To win you have to kill more than 10  team members and the team captian"

Day 5.

Today was the real day it time to fight.everyone lined up both of the leaders shouted "FIGHT"and they all charged together and started fighting the vampire team killed 5 of the Zombies and the Zombies also killed 5 of the Vampires Then they all  killed more than ten each so it came down to the team captians.The zombie leader looked very weak so the vampire had a better strategey to kill the leader.The Zombie tryed to get Alex but he doged because he was to fast for the zombie and then Alex was running around in circles and then Alex bit Robert and Robert fell to peices and the Vampires had victory!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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