IV. lark in narnia

Start from the beginning


Should I do this?


Can I do this?


I jumped...and landed on the back of a grey horse. Then it came to me. The voice came from the horse. Wow. Talking animals is definitely a thing here. Okay. Now we got that out of the way.

We rode until we found a sort of camp. I mean, lots of tents and things, but there were so many...not humans. Centaurs, fauns, giants, nymphs...things from children's books. They were real. They were all real.

And this place...it felt real too. Not like a dream. It felt...It felt like home.

My horse had introduced herself as Dessa on the ride, and that she would be my horse as long as I would have her. Funny, I seemed to be getting some special treatment deal here. It was...weird, to say the least. I said a nervous goodbye to her as I stood in front of the biggest tent. I was apparently waiting for an audience with 'The King of the Whole Wood' 

A centaur emerged from the tent. "Aslan will see you now."

Aslan...that name. How did I know that name?

I stepped inside, and I saw him.

Him. The great Lion, Aslan.

And I remembered...

I remembered everything.


Edmund's POV

"Peter, Peter wake up! It's real! It's real, It's all real! Lark saw it too! But she's trapped! We have to help her."

I heard Lucy as if from far away. I sat up in bed, still groggy.

And I was angry. Very angry.

"Woah, woah, woah. Lu, slow down."

"No, Peter! Lark's in trouble! We need to help her!"

Wait, what? I didn't believe Lucy, of course not...but...she sounded genuinely scared. And if Lark really was in trouble...I didn't know what I'd do.

"Lucy, there's no reason to worry. Lark's probably safe in her bed right now."

"No, Susan, you don't understand! She's not!"

I was fully awake now. I chose not to side with Lucy on this one. I had to believe it wasn't true.

"Go back to bed, Lucy. We're trying to sleep." Lucy cried and ran to her bed. I turned over and tried to fall asleep.

It couldn't be real...




Lark's POV

Not knowing what else to do, I knelt. Aslan chuckled.

"Rise, dear one. I see you remembered?" 

I couldn't nod. I could barely breathe. I definitely couldn't stop the next words that came out of my mouth.

"I'm made of DIRT?"

Aslan laughed again. A wonderful, warm sound.

"Yes child, in a manner of speaking. But it does not due to dwell on that now. You have work ahead of you, hard work. You must train, and train hard. The others will be here. I cannot tell you when they will arrive, but I will say that it is soon."

"You don't mean---"

"I cannot tell you what I mean, dear one. But our meeting is over. You must go and clean up. You start training immediately."

I looked down, only then noticing how ripped and dirty my nightgown was. Also that my feet were bleeding and raw.

I smiled embarrassedly and left the tent.

I was whisked away by two nymphs who washed my hair and put me in a dress.

I was whisked away by two nymphs who washed my hair and put me in a dress

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I walked out of the tent to find a centaur and a boy that could've been 15 or so. I smiled at them.

The centaur stepped up first.

"I am Orius," he said in a grand voice. "This is Jessop. He will be your sparring partner...eventually. You will be training together."

Jessop had black hair and Dark blue eyes. He was thin but muscular. He smiled crookedly at me and held out his hand. I shook it.

"Pleased to meet you, m'lady." Jessop dipped into an over exaggerated bow. I laughed.

Orius led us to the field and handed us each wooden swords.

"Let's begin."

We trained. We trained for three days, day in and day out. Both of our chosen weapons were swords, and Jessop and I became great friends.

At the end of those three days, we said our (somewhat tearful) goodbyes, as I was being sent to the house of some beavers. There I would spend the night until the four humans arrived.

I hoped to the gods it was the Pevensies.

No, I didn't hope to the gods.

I hoped to Aslan.



That's all I have to say.

Au Revoir, 


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