I Wasn't Expecting That

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Author's Note: If you haven't heard Jamie Lawson's "Wasn't Expecting That" then I suggest you listen to it before reading this as it might be upsetting. I hope you all like it though. This is sort of set in an AU as Civil War and Infinity War practically never happened in this.

Vision's POV

Since all the Avengers were on missions, or they were doing something in their free time, they wouldn't be there for me, except for one; Wanda Maximoff. She has been teaching me all the things it means to be human and in an exchange, I would help her with her night terrors, calming her and soothing her. Today, I asked her to teach me to cook, she accepted, as long as it was her mother's recipe of paprikash, I agreed.

"So you don't want too much paprika because it can ruin the dish. So you have to have about 25 grams if you want to feed about 4 people." After she put the paprika in the pan, she stopped what she was doing and looked at me smiling. "You're staring at me." She says half giggling as she spoke, I didn't even realise I was staring at her.

"It is probably because you are beautiful." I say and she blushes brightly with a smile from ear to ear, making a funny feeling in my body. How can a smile, make my body go somewhat wild? I honestly would not expect that, one of the many things I can not expect.

"Thanks, Vis. You're not so bad yourself." She says as she picks up a ladle and begins to stir what she has made in the pan and she brings it to her lips to taste.

"Wanda, would you want to go on what people would call a date?" I ask quite casually, but I think she inhaled too much paprikash as her face went bright red and she spat out her food into a tissue. "Did you use too much paprika and ruin the dish?" I ask, re-quoting what she had said earlier about the dish and too much paprika.

"Um... no. The paprikash is fine, you just surprised me with your question. Vis, do you know what a date is?" She asks messing with a ring on her finger, swapping from finger to finger.

"Yes I do, it is when a person shows romantic interest in another person and they want to know more about them, so they ask them out. Mainly they go to the cinema or they go to a restaurant. I was hoping we could do the latter." I say smiling brightly at her, Wanda smiling back at me, just as brightly.

"I would love to, Vis." She flashed me one more smile before she got back to cooking her favourite meal, she even let me do a few things, something nobody has done, they normally tell me to stay out of the kitchen. But not Wanda, she treats me like I am a person, with emotions, like I am a normal person, or maybe I did have emotions and I needed the right person to help me with them.

After we had made the paprikash, she left it on the stove and set an alarm on her phone so she knows when to take it off. "I will see you Friday at 7pm then, Wanda." I say as I give her one of my big smiles that only she can make me do.

"I will see you Friday at 7. I'm looking forward to it." She says before she turns her back and walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts, thinking that I was looking forward to it too.

Two Days Later

I knock on Wanda's bedroom door and wait for her to answer the door. I dressed in black slacks with a a white shirt that was tucked in and a charcoal cardigan. But it was nothing to when Wanda opened the door, she wore a simple red dress that went just to her knees with red heels that matched the colour of the dress.

"Like I said, beautiful." Was all I could say when I look at her, but it made my heart flutter when she bit her lip and looked down, her face turning beet red.

"Thank you." She whispers, I take her arm in my arm, linking us and walking down the hall. I had booked us a reservation at a restaurant, Mr Stark helped me pay for it, because it was an expensive restaurant.

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