Chapter 1

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The pills sat in my hand, but I couldn't move. I just say there staring at them. I'm weak. I can't even bing myself to take the stupid pills. Every other day I can bring a blade to my wrist and slice, but I can't bring my hand to my mouth, and swallow some pills.

Admitting defeat I put the pills back into the container. I put them back in the medicine cabinet and slumped against the door. I was home alone again. My parents were amazing. They really cared for me. Too bad they died. Now I live with my Aunt.

She's not actually bad. She isn't a drunk, she doesn't beat me, and neither does her husband. They are great to me, but they aren't my parents. They are always gone, my parents were always there. My aunt works every single day pretty much all day, and my uncle does too.

My aunt is a doctor and my uncle is a lawyer. They make a lot of money. I have everything I need. We live in a huge house with maids and a butler. There are 6 cars in our garage, and 3 motorcycles. Everything here is great, except for the emptiness.

The maids don't talk to me, and the butler hates me. I have never done anything to make them hate me they just do for some reason. So I spend my days just sitting here.

I do have friends, but I fear thy aren't real. I had almost no friends before my parents died, but once I moved in with my aunt everything changed.

My aunts daughter is the most popular girl in school, no one knew we were cousin, she didn't even know herself. My parents never told me about her or my aunt and uncle.

It was a shock to all of us when we found out. Ever since people doing out they have been trying to be friends with me. I know most of them are doing to get to my cousin, whose name is Haley, but for some reason I still be friends with them,

I had 5 friends before the accident. Alice, Adam, Ana, Aaron, and Alex. We all became friends because all our names started with A's. My name is Azalea. Our parents were friends, so really we were friends by default. The thing that's weird is that all our parents names started with A too. We never really thought much about it, but we should have.

We just always assumed that all our names started with A's because our parents were obsessed with Pretty Little Liars, which they are (or in the case of my parents were). I still believe that it was part of the reasoning for our names, but I'm starting to think it was only half of it.

Shortly after my parents had their accident, Aaron's parents got really sick. They lived, but just barely. I don't know all the details because after my parents died I was so jealous of my friends that I said horrible things to them and that's why I'm not friends with them anymore.

I still wish I wouldn't had said half the crap to them that I did. It's too late now. I tried apologizing to Alice, but she told me to leave them alone and never talk to them again. So I did.

Another thing I found out, is that I used to have an older brother. His name was John. I thought it was odd that his name didn't start with A, and that he was never around, so I did some digging.

While digging I found his birth certificate. It showed the he was only 2 years older than me. I kept digging and eventually found a news article clipping. The headline had been cut off, but the picture was of a nasty crash.

The paragraph that was there stated that John Jackson, age 5, his mom Alicia and dad Axel ages 27, and 29, and his younger sister Azalea, age 3, were in a car crash. Only young John died, even though he was sitting on the opposite side in which the 18-wheeler hit.

It was a miracle that Axel, and Azalea were still alive. According to the people studying the crash, they should have been the two to die, not John. It was predicted that Alicia would live either way, which made the investigators that Alicia had some how been the cause of the crash.

I kept digging and found out that all my friends had either had a younger or older sister or brother that had died. The thing that freaked me out, is that all the kids who died name's did not start with an A.

I keep telling myself that it's just a coincidence, but I know it's really not. I abruptly stopped digging. I tried my hardest to forget everything that I had learned. It started to kill me from the inside.

I felt that the my old friends should know, so I went to where I knew they would be, Ana's house. When I got there I tried to explain everything to them. They told me I was lying and told me to get out.

I just stood there shocked. I didn't understand how they couldn't believe me. Tears started to stream down my face. I started to sob and I begged for then to believe me. They didn't budge.

I just sat there sobbing and begging until I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. I looked up to see that Alice had her hand raised right next to me. She had slapped me. I reached my hand up and felt where she slapped me and was surprised to feel moisture. I pulled my hand away and saw that I was bleeding.

I looked up at her hand and saw that se had the rings we all bought together on. My blood was dripping of the one that stood for me. I quickly got up and started to walk out of the house, but not before I turned around. They were following me to the door as I knew they would. I took a deep breath.

I looked at each of then in the eyes before I looked at Alice. We just stated at each other before I turned around again and walked a little closer to the door. Then, without warning I swung around and punched Alice straight in the face. I heard a crack, and blood started gushing out of her nose.

I didn't get to the door. Alex had grabbed me by the hair. I ended up fighting all of them. I walked out of that house with more cuts and bruises then I could imagine, and a broken nose. My arm was broke too. All of them were the same.

That lead me to be where I am right now. Still sitting in my bathroom slumped against the door. My arms bleeding rapidly as I sliced away, like I was cutting vegetables. I dropped the blade and slowly got up.

I looked in the mirror and was appalled by what I saw. I looked like crap, but for once I didn't cry about it. I was happy. God knows why I was happy, I just was.

I unlocked my bathroom door and walked to my bed. I sat down and just stared at the wall for a minute. Then I picked up the phone and called my aunt.

"I need to go to the hospital." I said, and then hung up.

I just sat and stared at the wall again. Until I was interrupted by my pine ringing, I answered.

"What do you mean you need to go to the hospital?!?!" My aunt asked frantically.

I started to feel light headed and all the pain rushed in at once. I yelled out.

"Make that an ambulance I said."

With those words I fell. Off my bed into the floor. The last thing I remember before it went pitch black is my aunt screaming for me on the other line.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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