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Lemme hold the key to your heart..

Fall for me cuz I would always be there to catch ye..

years from now... when we are oooold and grey I 'll still be there..

To love you nooo matter what..

Lemme be the guy you waaant..

I giggled at Jonathan's poor attempts to sing and pulled at my hair at the same time.

After last night's wedding ordeal, Ray disappeared suddenly and I was informed that he was whisked away by the elders to complete the marriage contract.. Something about papers to sign which I didn't get, since I would be needed too to sign them.


Anyways Jonathan woke me up early in the morning claiming he found his mate. I congratulated him though I never really understood this mate concept.

"I need your help" he had said pouting at me. I chuckled and agreed to help him. I was glad I agreed because I really needed some distraction from my husband.

He wanted to woo her and asked me for help. I suggested he better watch some romantic movies to get some idea on that part. I know I suck at suggestions. A freaking ten year old would give a better suggestion than me.

Since then we have been watching chick flicks (his words not mine) and when he kept on  yawning I threatened him that his mate won't find that amusing as most girls tend to love these movies. I was lying. I just needed some distraction and I love chick flicks.  I didn't want to watch them alone and I couldn't find Alexa anywhere. 

"Okay Cia, stop laughing at me. I am not a great singer" he groaned.

I rolled my eyes thinking that was obvious.

"What's next on the list?" he asked pouting.

 Awww I thought. He obviously likes her a lot. We made a list of things to woo his mate..

"I will read all of them to you. Ok?" I said and read them out loud.

1) singing

2) Buy flowers

3) Buy a cute dress and gift it to her

4) Ask her out on a date

I winced at his ideas of wooing and smacked him on the head.

"I am not dumb. Tell me the truth. She is a werewolf. She must have recognized you. Obviously she too must be feeling the mating pull. So why all this?" I said seriously and crossed my hands for effect.

"Well, we are enemies. That's why." he said looking so sad that I wanted to give him a hug then itself.

"What happened?" I asked sitting beside him.

"Long story short, we have been enemies since young and Fate decided it would be fun to pair her up with me." he grimaced.

"Then this won't work." I said averting my eyes unable to look at him. He had the most expressive pair of eyes. Let's just say it's not easy to look at them when they are sad. 

"Hey! Whats'up!" came Alexa's peppy voice before she sprinted into the room.

"Jon, we better leave. Ray's heading this way" she said before taking his arm and leaving the room without so much as looking at me.

Wow! Way to be weird! I sighed and shifted knowing he would be here. 

I should be angry. I mean seriously! Who would dump the bride on her wedding day on the pretext of important matters? Looks like I am falling for him. I didn't need this. Wasn't I supposed to be angry with him for not even asking me in the first place about marriage? Uggh!

"What's the matter?" Ray's voice startled me so much I jumped.

"W-what?" I stammered.

He smirked. Asshole. He knew how he affected me.

"We will be leaving in under an hour." 

"Where to?" I asked gulping the ball of nervousness that lodged in my throat.

"Some where." He replied vaguely frowning at his phone.

"It wasn't for studies. Right?" I deadpanned as I realized something.

"What?" Now it was his turn to look nervous. 

Well, well.. Is the big bad wolf scared of something? What are you hiding, Ray?

"This school. The studies thing. Everything is a lie. What's going on?" I asked furious for being ordered around.

"I don't know what you are speaking of. We are leaving for honeymoon. That's it" 

My throat went dry. Was that true? Then why would he turn away from me? He was lying. Something doesn't fit the picture. I wish I knew what it was.

"Anyways, enough with the questions. Pack your things, Ciara." He said already moving towards the door.

"For a man who claims to love me, you sure know how to act the opposite."

I shouldn't have said it. I felt as if I crossed a line here. After all weren't werewolves prone to aggressive nature and violence? I moved back wishing I could take my words back. He could hurt me a lot more than Amy.

"What does that mean?" He asked. I gasped when he turned around. His eyes were pitch black and his hands were fisted as if he wanted to pound into something. And I feared that something was going to be me if I didn't choose my words carefully.

At the exact moment Jonathan made an appearance. He was rarely serious. Even though he looked intimidating he was always fun to hang around with. His goofy grin always made him approachable. Always. But now, gone was the mischief in his eyes and the grin from his face. His face was taut with anger. Ray sure observed it. Suddenly his face paled and he strode forward.

"Let's move, wifey." He snapped and yanked me away with him. Before I could protest the slight shake of his Beta's head silenced me. 

Something was wrong. So, so wrong. And I intend to find it I vowed to myself.

This was, I think the third time he carried me around like a kid. I took a deep breath winked at Jonathan who was trailing behind us and bit into Ray's shoulder. The sudden movement caught him off guard but he only tightened his hold on me. I pouted. This wasn't fair. And I happened to be a sucker for curiosity. Looks like I'm going to stay for awhile more.

He abruptly stopped in the hall, dropping me to my legs. I trailed along behind him obediently. He looked behind and frowned at me as if he expected me to run. Oh well not yet buddy I thought and smiled sweetly. He inhaled deeply and took me along with him to a room that seemed more like an office.

"Ah, here's the most coveted person on earth" I heard a voice say and I turned my head to the left. I shrieked. I couldn't stop screaming. Minutes or hours I don't know, I finally calmed down and breathed hard looking around me. I know it's been hours as the sky out the window was dark now. Ray who brought me here, was standing rigidly in the far corner of room, like a statue. Jonathan was speaking something. But I couldn't hear it over the pounding in my head.

I ignored him and I turned around again. 

This time, I did gasp but didn't scream. I simply took in the disturbing scene in front of me. 

There stood a woman dressed in a white gown grinning maniacally at me. But that wasn't what made me scream blue. It was the fact that the scene looked so disturbing to me.

For starters, the gown she wore was in tatters and her blood (I think it's her blood) stained it so much it looked more red than white. Her eyes weren't twinkling in merriment. No, they were pools of black rimmed with an unusual red and her smile. I simply cringed at her grin. She had white pearly teeth and rosy lips, sure, but it's the type of smile that would make you run screaming for the hills. It was pure evil. |Her hands were tied down in chains and she was clutching onto the bars of her cell so tightly they were white.

"Come here, child" She whispered softly. I slowly, backed away from her.

This was a nightmare.

"Ray, what the f*ck is going on?" I asked lowly afraid she would hear me if I spoke any louder.

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