Bood and love (Reggie creepypasta x Reader)

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I missed the bus and I know not to call dad when he's at work so I had to walk home, great. I just wanted to get home with my laptop on and read creepypastas like I do everyday after school, to top it off the sun was starting to go down it was going to be dark soon. Suddenly I heard foot steps coming from behind me. I look behind me and see a group of guys they look familiar I think they go to my school. Creepy thing is that they seem to be following me and i think I smell booze.

"HEEEEEY! (Y/N)! Cwome oooon parhty with uus." One guy slurs. I hurriedly walk home not wanting to be near these guys because I have a seriously bad feeling about them. They start chasing me and are surprisingly fast and shockingly not stumbling much or falling on their faces.

One tackles me and now has me under them. They all pile around standing in a circle looking at me and the boy on me a sick look in their eyes. I yell for help but he puts his hand on my mouth. "Shhh it'll be over soon." he says then they all laugh. Out of no where I see a guy who wasn't there before standing behind the others he wears a brown coat has black hair and looks so familiar. I look and see he has a metal hand. He manages to get the off me and is.. biting his neck?

They boy screams blood streaming down as the strange boy drinks his blood. The others freak out and start running. The blood drinker manages to grab one with his metal hand blood coming from wear the sharp metal touched and laughs as the boy screams he bites down on his neck and starts draining him.Once he's done he stands and looks to me I'm scared at first then I realize why he looks familiar. He is Reggie one of my most favorite creepypastas. We stare at each other a bit longer then he just runs away. I'm confused but thankful he was here. I'm so shook up but have no one to call so I look to see if it's safe and rush home. Once there I take a shower to clean myself of what happened and can't help but think of Reggie. Why did he save me?

I lay in bed and go to sleep before my dad could come home. He doesnt bother me much if I'm asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night to the feeling that someone is watching me. I look around and see nothing. Weird. I think to myself.

The next morning at school was bad everyone stared at me like I had three heads or something. There was talk that the boys who attacked me, the ones who survived, were put away because theh said a vampire attacksd them. The only sane thing to come out of them was me so everyone at school seemed to think I had something to do with the deaths. I get called so many names by so many people they all think I'm a murderer.

Jenny (sorry if your names Jenny) the girl at school that likes to cause chaos comes up to me and pushes me. "Why'd you do it you psycho bitch?" I look up at her more angry then sad. I'm sick of everyone pushing me around thinking I did it. "I didn't do anything now leave me alone you pea brained barbie doll." I say in anger. "What'd you call me? Oh your gonna get it now." She says and she gets her friends who are standing by her in a circle around me to beat me along with her.

They kick me in my stomach repeatedly and punch me in the face till I taste blood. I try to fight back but there are too many of them. A teacher soon approaches and thankfully the bitches run away not wanting to get caught. I lay on the ground seeing red and wanting to kill everyone of them . The teacher sees me and sends me to the nurse I don't tell them who did it. I'm soon sent home by the nurse because of how badly I was beat. I sit in the car with my dad hoping he don't say a word. I look out the window watching everything go by.

"You probably deserved it." Dad says when we start to reach home. My anger boils hotter inside of me but I don't let it show. "Get inside before I make it worse for you" he says. I rush inside with a rage inside of me. I won't be pushed around anymore. Once dad gets inside he sees me standing there with a knife. "Put that down you bitch you aint going to do anything with that your weak I know it and you know it." He says with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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