"Hello, Kyungsoo Hyung?" I decided to call my secretary to tell him.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Can you cancel all of my appointments for tonight?" I questioned carefully, he was really a strict person so need to be extra careful.

"Sure, anything else?"

I sighed, luckily I got nothing tonight.

"That's all, thank you Hyung!" I ended the call and kept my phone away.

My mind suddenly flashbacked the just now incident, why did he need to be so concerned about me?


Author's POV

Kris was sitting at his office table, his sharp eyes was only focusing on the sheets without being bothered by anything else.

"Yifan, aren't you tired?" a soft voice sounded, and suddenly pairs of hands encircled around his neck.

Kris' serious face automatically changed with a warm smile.

"I need to settle these so that I can spend the rest of my times with you" he said, making the latter blushed.

"I miss you" the younger suddenly whispered seductively into the elder's ears.

Kris' body suddenly stiffed, his face getting reddened and burning.

Without saying anything, he pulled the shorter onto his laps, and hugged the slim waist.

"Baby, what are you doing hm?" he asked with his deep voice, Suho encircled his arms around his neck.

"You must know, Yifan" the younger whispered, Kris groaned before landing his lips onto the latter's lips.

He was about to go further if the annoying ringing phone didn't disturb them.

Kris forcefully let the kiss and picked up the phone call.

"Hello?!" he snapped.

"Kris, what's wrong with you?" the woman voice questioned, Kris frowned before glancing at the phone caller.

"Oh it's you Noona, sorry" Kris sighed and Suho looking at him questioning.

"What are you doing huh?" Yoona asked, she could sense something.

"Nothing, why do you call me by the way?" Kris quickly changed the topic, he would be dead if Yoona found out.

"Dinner tonight at my place, don't be late" the elder stated, sounding like not going to receive any protest.

"But Noona-

"Sehun will be there too, so make sure you will come" those words would make him shut. He grunted, Yoona really knew his weakness.

"She surely know I wouldn't reject anything if it's Sehun" Kris thought.

"Alright, I'll be there" Kris uttered, grunting again.

"Good" Kris ended the call before he would get annoyed more.

"Who is it?" Suho questioned.

"It's Yoona, my cousin" Kris replied.

"Cousin? You mean Sehun has a sister?" Suho frowned, he really thought Sehun doesn't have any relatives.

"Yes, he has"

"So you need to go home now" Suho suddenly stated, he stood up from Kris' lap.

"What?" Kris retorted.

"You need to get ready for tonight, so have some rest" the shorter uttered, smiling sweetly.

"But, baby-

"No, goodbye!"

Kris was about to protest but Suho quickly cut him off and kissed his lips before going out of his room.

"Damn it!" Kris silently cursing.


"Come in" Kai demanded after hearing the knocking. He lifted his face to see Luhan entering the room.

"Master" Luhan greeted before bowing down.

"Do you get it?" Kai questioned and Luhan replied with a nod.

"What I could find about Oh Sehun's past is just he had been in a relationship with a guy named Choi Minho before this, but their relationship ended a year later" Luhan started to explain, and Kai frowned to hear it.

"Choi Minho?" he muttered the name, already planning to kill the guy.

"Yes, Master"

"Anything else you have?" Kai asked.

"No, that's all I could find" Luhan stated.

"Find informations about that Choi Minho, I want it as soon as possible" Kai demanded, his jaw suddenly clinched.

"Yes, Master" Luhan bowed down before excusing himself to go out.

"Choi Minho, that name sounds familiar" Kai muttered, his mind was started to think about the guy.

He felt dissapointed, how lucky the Minho guy were.

"But why do they broke up?" Kai asked himself, he suddenly remembered the scar Sehun have.

"Is it because of him?" thousands questions were running inside his head right now.


Hi guys ! An update 💕 btwwww should I make a q&a session so that we could know each other better? You can ask me anything ✨ tell me whether should I do it or not ♡

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