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Merlin struggled against the restraints as 'Agent Tequila' raised the gun at Harry's head. Judging from the squeak of Eggsy's chair besides him his comrade was doing the same. But Merlin wasn't paying attention." NO!" The pair roared in unison.

A door crashed opened. A woman stormed through. " Wait! Their story checks out" she slowed down besides the two prisoners. " this is the part where you untie us" Eggsy said angrily from his seat. Merlin tried to catch Harry's eye but his friends face was blank. (That's also a two way mirror dumb ass)

Agent Tequila removed the retraints and the two kingsmen stood and left almost immediately. Striding into Harry's little cell like room. Harry barely acknowledged them. Eggsy went to hug him but Harry batted him away clumsily. " Harry?" He seemed hurt. Not as merlin was when he went to shake his hand and  harry hesitated to shake it back. His oldest friend.  The love of his life didn't know him.

" Harry. "  Merlin fought to keep the emotion out of his voice. " do I know you? " Harry looked at him with a childish look of innocence. " Harry it's ok. They know that you know us" Eggsy failed to mask the voice crack.

"I think there must be some sort of mistake. " he said. " It's been such a long time Harry. I need to get my brogues re-soled"  please remember Harry. Please. Let this be a joke."yeah And my Oxfords are done in" Harry raised his head from where he'd been looking at Merlins shoes. " why are you telling me about your shoes? " Merlin bit his tongue in an attempt not to scream. " I'm a lepidopterist. " Merlin and Eggsy looked on in dismay. " You're a what?" Eggsy breathed. Apparently taking their looks for faces of confusion he gestured to the walls. " I study butterflies " Merlin almost laughed at the sheer absurdity of the situation.

" you wanted to before you joined the army but," Merlin hesitated. " Harry look at me" he raised his finger so it was in front of Harry's face. And the strongest man merlin knew flinched. He moved his finger slowly. Back and forth in the air.

Harry's eye followed it almost lazily. " it was good to see you." Merlin and Eggsy left the cell like room. " What the fuck have you done to him?" Eggsy said angrily. Merlin ignored the rest of the  conversation. He stood in silence. His brain was going at a million miles an hour. How can he not know us? Does that mean he doesn't remember Lee? How does he remember that fucking butterfly thing and not me?

It's been a long time since I watched golden circle. Don't judge me. I'll write the next chapter soon.

Merlins death from the viewpoint of a pissed off fangirlWhere stories live. Discover now