The Adventures of Pablo the Pancreas

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  • Dedicated to Amy Clarke

Once upon a time  in the huge body world, Pablo the           Pancreas goes for a walk in the blood stream with his pet spleen Rufus while eating Pavlova.

Then suddenly something appears, Miss Cancer pops out of nowhere and stars punching Pablo and picks on her. "What are you doing around here eating Pavlova? I love u Pancreas!" Pablo, feeling confused runs back home to his wife Brenda the bile duct.

"I love another Brenda, Brenda. I'm sorry it turned out this                way." while going back to the blood stream to meet Ms                                      cancer.

But Miss Cancer wasn’t there. Miss Cancer was secretly trying to kill both Brenda and Pablo. Miss Cancer kills Brenda with her gun. When Pablo found that Miss cancer wasn’t there he went back to the house to say good bye to Brenda for the last time.

When Pablo got back he found Brenda dead on the floor. "Too late for Swiss I suppose…?" Pablo still had passionate feelings for Brenda and Pablo became depressed.

 As for Pablo took some Swiss hoping to feel better on Swiss but he didn’t so he seeked help from Abi the Appendix. It turns out that Abi the Appendix likes Pablo the Pancreas, and tried to seduce him. Unfortunately for Abi it didn’t work and her passionate feelings for Pablo was going to have to wait as she could see that Pablo was depressed.

So she offered him some drugs to cool him down, but Pablo knows that taking drugs are bad and you should never do it.

As this was happening Ms Cancer who's name was Kelley was looking for Pablo and looked everywhere for him. So he went to visit her best friend Abi the Appendix, as Kelley opened the door she saw Pablo and Abi together. Enraged and heart broken she got out her gun and shot Abi.

 Kelley saying "Now your all mine Pablo". Then suddenly the cops came and took Kelley Cancer away and locked her up in the Heart Jail.

 Feeling sad Pablo takes some swiss but it doesn’t work, Pablo becomes deeply depressed and then he eats himself, after he lost everything in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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