Chapter 3: Training

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Rose silently watched the wolves run around the territory. She could have shifted as well, but was to busy working out everything that had happened the previous day. That and she got no sleep last night wondering what would happen in her future now that she had multiple mates. She had four mates. Four! Rose couldn't help but wonder why this would happen. All she knew was that in the end she could only choose one. It was inevitable. She barely knew them and would eventually have to break three hearts. 

The wolves finished the run and patiently waited to be told what to do. Rose was fully in charge of training the packs to fight.

"Everyone pair up with someone that has the same skill set as you!" She yelled the order and watched as everyone did as she said, "Start fighting. The goal isn't to hurt each other but to pin the other person down."

Rose walked around and pointed out what needed improvement to each wolf. She also noticed that there were two pairs of Alpha's fighting. As they were in their wolf form, she couldn't tell who was who but everytime she passed by, they would try even harder to pin the other down. They all fought in wolf form until noon, which was when they stopped to have lunch. After a lunch of sandwiches, they continued training, this time in human form.

Rose adressed the crowd in front of her once again. "To be a skilled fighter, your human form must be as good as your wolf form. In the long run, this will make your wolf get better too." The rest of the day continued like this, with only a few inturruptions from unable to shift children.

Once everbody had gone upstairs to bed, except for Rose, she was pulled aside. Whipping around, she saw that it was Sean.

"Hey Rose. I just wanted to thank you for helping the packs out. It means a lot to me. I'll see you around, mate." Sean suprised her by pecking her on the lips and rushing up the stairs. Rose rolled her eyes and truged to her bedroom for a long needed rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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