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"JOSH." I squealed while answering the phone. "I've missed you so much. So much has happened since you called last."

"Well hello to you to." He laughed.

"Sorry. I've just missed you so much." I replied sighing lightly. Sure I love what my brother does. I see how much he helps people daily plus he makes killer musics, but sometimes I just wish it was like it used to be. Him here driving me around and just hanging out.

"I've missed you too. I have a surprise for You though." Josh replied trying to cheer me up from the sadness I was putting myself into.

"Oh what's that?" I asked trying to make my voice sound happy.

"I'm coming home for a while" Josh replied  in an excited tone.

"No way no way no way." I squealed. "Oh my god that will be amazing I can't wait to have my big brother back."

"Yeah yeah yeah." He laughed. "I can't wait to see you too."

"When are you coming home exactly?" I asked as I began running down the stairs to go to the kitchen to tell mom that Josh was coming home soon.

"In three days." Josh replied laughing lightly.

"OH MY GOD." I squealed.

"There's more too." Josh laughed.

"What's that?" I giggled.

"I'm bringing a friend home with me." Josh replied sounding pretty happy.

"You're bringing home a girlfriend?" I tried to hide my disappointment. If he brought a girlfriend home he'd want nothing to do with his little sister.

"No no no. I don't have a girlfriend." He laughed. "I'm bringing home Ashton. You know the drummer from 5sos. You met him at the party you came with me to last year."

"I met a lot of people at that party." I laughed. Of course I knew who Ashton was. He's like the hottest guy I've ever seen.

" Well he's coming home with me. He wants a little break from life so I told him he could come stay with me for a bit." Josh replied. "I'm sure once you see him you'll remember him."

"Yeah probably will." I replied smiling. I have so much I have to do before Ashton get's here. I need to buy new make up, a new bra one that actually makes me look like I have something, and maybe a cute/sexy dress for the dinner mom will make us go to.

"I'd love to stay and chat but Tyler just pulled up we have one more show to play before we go on a little break. So I'll text you later ok?" Josh said most likely smiling thinking about getting to come home plus playing a show. He loves playing which made me a little concerned about them taking a break.

"Ok. Good luck at tonight's show. I'll see you later." I replied softly.

"See you later Olive." Josh replied before hanging up.
After we hung up I finished going into the kitchen and squealed very loudly.

"Olivia Marie Dun! You gave me a heart attack." My mother said with her hand over her heart. "What has gotten into you?"

"JOSH IS COMING HOME!" I practically yelled.

"Yes dear he is." She smiled and laughed.

"Wait you knew?" I asked confused. How did she know?

"Yes dear I knew. I've known for a while." She laughed.

"Not fair." I whined. "How dare he tell you first."

"I'm his mother he has to tell me first." She laughed again and began going back to making me some dinner.

"It's still not fair." I whined.

"Just go back to being excited he's coming home." She laughed again.

" I am excited." I replied laughing lightly. "Can I borrow the car after dinner?" I asked

"How come?" Mom asked looking over at me.

"Well I wanna get Josh a welcome home present, plus my bra broke so I need a new one. Along with i think we should buy some new sheets for the guest room since Ashton's coming to stay. I just thought I could save you from having to go." I replied. I mean I wasn't completely lying about the reason I wanted to go out. I just wasn't telling her all the reasons.

"You know that actually sounds like a good idea. I don't want you going alone though see if Annie can go with you." My mother replied giving me a smile.

"Yeah ok I'll do that." I replied smiling and kissed her head. "Thank you." I yelled back as I began running up stairs and to my room.
As soon as I got to my room I texted Annie telling her we had a shopping emergency, which instantly made her agree to go shopping with me. The only problem was I wanted to  go now but I have to wait until after dinner.

Thankfully it didn't take long for dinner to be done. We had tacos which don't take very long to make. What takes the longest is chopping the tomatoes and peppers to put on them. During dinner we mostly talked about Josh coming home soon, how much we had missed him, and what we would probably do while he was here.
After dinner I went upstairs to my room and changed into my black nirvana T-shirt that goes almost to my knees and a pair of black leggings along with a little bit of makeup.

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