Chapter 5

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A few years later~

Two boys walk out of a school building. But in actual it's a house to form children into bloodthirsty assassins. One of the would-be assassins had a smile that made even the sun cringe in disgust, then you saw his calculating eyes that follow you. And other looked dead inside till you saw his eyes, his bright seafoam eyes that told you if you make a wrong move you will lose your life to the small boy. These boys were the kazekage's children. The demons of the village. The top shinobi in their class. You have Naruto, he's optimistic, intelligent, and powerful. And then you see Gaara, he's always surrounded by bloodlust. He doesn't trust anyone, except his brother. He loves his brother more than anything in this whole entire world. They both believe they only have each other. A year old their only family died of cancer. The death of their only true family broke the boys. Gaara is closed off. Naruto is a different story. No one can figure him out yet. He does things that make it quite hard to understand what he is feeling.
   Today was the day of the Genin exam. They both passed with flying colors. Gaara's specialty is ninjutsu, while Naruto's specialty is strategies and strength. He also is excellent in stealth and assassination techniques.
   Anyways, the boys both had a head and on their forehead. They get to meet their sensei tomorrow. That is when they will take their real test. The test to find out if they are worthy to be ninjas.

Naruto's Pov:

  We finally made it. We did what uncle always wanted from us. We are finally going to be able to help people as we have always wanted. Brother is excited too. I believe uncle's death affected him the most. I'm upset too. But it wasn't anyone fault he got sick. He just wasn't as healthy anymore.
" Naruto! Stop gazing and let's go! " Brother said annoyed.
" Sorry! I'm coming! Hey! Don't leave me you jerk! " I said angrily. My brother and I have always been close. We aren't related by blood, but we have been together our whole life. Apparently, I came from Kohona, but when mom and dad died, uncle adopted me.
" Naru, we need to begin training," Gaara said snapping me out of my thoughts. I gave him a confused look. " That type of training.
" Oh. How are we going to accomplish this? We both know that the training that they put us through will be hell! " I said exclaimed.
  Gaara laughed, " Of course I know, but if we want to be stronger this is what it takes. Naruto Uzumaki do you want to be stronger? Do you want to be able to protect everyone?" Yes is my one and only thought. I must protect big brother. He sacrificed everything for me. Now is time for me to show him he doesn't have to be strong anymore. I can help you.
" Brother give me your hands. " I ask. He confusingly gives me his hands. I grab a bracelet out of my pocket. " Brother, please do me this one and only favor. Please let me hold the weight with you. Please lean on me when necessary. Please. " I ask. " This bracelet was made especially for you. I put my chakra into it. Whenever you need me, push your chakra into the bracelet and I will come whenever you need me too. Promise." I said finally smiling at him. It wasn't a fake smile, and all natural, small, sweet, and brotherly love filled smile.
  I look into his eyes, and I can see he is going to cry. " It's okay Gaara. I'm here for you as you are for me."  He takes my hand and teleports us home. And he breaks, all the pain and suffering of the last year coming out of him. He knows he is safe to break. And all I did was hug him tightly. And whisper it's okays in his ear. He was holding me so tightly like I was going to disappear.
   After a while, he quieted down and fell asleep. I placed him on his bed and went into my room. I finally helped my older brother. As I layed down to rest one thought went through my mind. I'm useful. I'm a good brother. Not a baby. I have finally grown up.


When I woke up, I smell a delicious smell of eggs, toast, and bacon I think. I walked out of my room to the kitchen to see Gaara making breakfast. This is weird, I usually make the meals. 

" I thought you can't cook. " I said surprisingly. 

" Well...I might have been taking lessons from Roji. I wanted to surprise you. " he said embarrassed.  I smiled and hugged him. " Naruto! " he whined. I laughed at him and sat back down at the island. I thought about how we are going to win. We could set traps beforehand, then while our sensei is trapped we could hit him on each side. " Naru! Naru! Naruto! " Gaara yelled waving his hand in front of my face.
  " Sorry. Was thinking about the plan for today." I said apologeticly. He shook is head as if saying it's fine. As he made out plates. I said tactically, " Gaara, I've a plan. I say we go early and set up traps beforehand. We disguise the traps with seals. Finally when he's trapped you attack from the front, if he escapes then I sneak attack him and take him out. If that doesn't work sand will be our last resort. " Gaara thought about the plan throroughly.
  He nodded, " Sounds good. Now eat, we want to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients. If not you won't be able to help. " He says smirking.
  " Okay. Okay. I'm eating. You are such a worry wart you do know that right? " I said jokingly. He stuck his tongue out at me and we both laughed together.
  As we finished eating we heard a knock at our door. I yelled, " Who is it? "
  " It's your father. " The voice says. We both rolled our eyes. Our "father" he says. When has he ever called him our father unless he wants something.
  " You can come in, but we can't talk right now. We have to get ready. " I say truthfully. Honestly I wouldn't want to talk to him anyways.
  As he walked in he says, " I haven't visited since Michael died. " He sees our eyes narrow. " I should visit more. You are my boys after all. " He finishes with a smirk. He knows that we hate being called his sons. We are Michael's sons.
  " What did you need father? We are quite busy. " As I finish speaking Gaara and I start getting our mission  storage scrolls ready. I place all my homemade seals, food, my katana, broadsword, daggers, and my hidden blades in my storage scroll. Then to top of my assortment of weapons. My mother's dual blades called the dragons tallons. This I always have on me.
  Gaara doesn't use weapons. He better with jutsu. But he does have
small hidden weapon on him.
  " Well... You have been placed on a team with your brother and sister. " He says nervously. As he finishes speaking both Gaara and I glare at him. " And I wanted to ask you guys if you could please not kill them. " He finishes.
  " I think you should know that we don't kill good people. Only horrible criminal or if we are defending our selfs. " I said monotone, used to this kind of treatment. I'm so sick and tired of being treated as killers by our own blood.
  " Naruto! Control! " Gaara screames at me. Then I ended up sending out my chakra. Okay no negative thoughts. Think about Ramen or training. Okay I am calm.
  ". Hey, where did our fake father go? " I asked Gaara.
" You started suffocating the room with bloodlust. He couldn't be in here anymore. He basically ran out of the front door. " Gaara said amused.  Haha. Oh my God. I was able to scare him out of our home. If I'd known how to do that I would have done it years ago.
Oh! I almost forgot, don't we have to be somewhere? " Gaara!! We have to go set our traps for sensei! " I reminded Gaara. His face goes from surprise to panic.
" Well, get your ass moving now!! " He screamed as he took off. I started laughing, but nonetheless follow after him running to. The training ground isn't far from our house. So, while running it took 5 minutes.
As we approached the training ground we have to meet at in an hour. We started taking my seals out of our bags. I filled then with pranking materials.
" Gaara, lay that one by the tree and one in the tree. " I directed. " Make sure that you push your chakra into them so they activate "
   Uncle says that I have seal master blood. He says my clan were natural seal makers. I discovered how to create seals when I was 7. I discovered them in the basement and started playing with them. 
  " Okay now me wait for them to show up. " I said mischievously.


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