五 | Silky Smooth

Start from the beginning

Now, if this was an anime Naomi's eyes would be really big and be wide open, maybe turned in hearts and her hair would float perfectly cute in the air, probably some sparkles here and there, behind her, a background of pastel colors to show dreamland ...but it isn't so she was just left with her mouth wide open.

He was wearing black skinny trousers, embracing his thighs maybe too perfectly and then medium-sized black and bloody red stripes on his silk shirt, the two first buttons unbuttoned, hair back and of course his plain id necklace again with the same signature smile, politely saying thank you.

She was quite surprised to see he could pull off such kind of style so well, glad even, it suited him lots.

It was no wonder younger women turned to look at him, he was like fresh meat in a sea of hungry lions, his style diffrent than all the tuxedos everywhere inside but just as fancy.

Before he reached the table she made sure everything was okay, along with her hair, it might not have been exactly what you call a date since it was with her best friend but it still was supposed to be one.

Not that she would act any differently towards him, from her point of view it was still hanging out, maybe a bit diffrent, a whole diffrent, but still hanging out.

Firstly it was normal, they greeted each other and had some nice conversation about the place, its characteristic color and design, the big windows, the staff and anything fitting that theme.

Suddenly out of nowhere Naomi drank some dry white wine, looking at him as she always did, a small smile. "You look decent."

"Thanks. You look pretty decent too," Donghun told her back, also smilling.

It didn't take long until awkward silence started taking over them, they were out of stuff to discuss and since this wasn't their normal hanging out it was easier to have nothing to say and run out of themes.

Supposedly this was a real date Naomi would probably play with her hair or act cockily, try to find a common interest and say cheezy pick up lines. Maybe try the deducting techniques she used on others. But she couldn't, because this compared to other dates, wasn't real.

As silence grew and the two started looking around, trying to avoid one another's glances but failing miserably. Fortunately enough, taking them out of such a phase was the waiter coming to take their orders, ignoring the man asking him directions to the bathroom.

"Oh! Thank God." Naomi smiled as she rubbed her stomach.

It has already half past eight and she hadn't eaten anything since twelve the same day.

She thought the waiter would say something but he didn't move an inch, he simply just took a pen to write the order.

It was probably the strict staff policy the poor boy obeyed because he seemed pretty talkative and he actually was, because Naomi knew him, he was her cousin's friend, always greeting her kindly or waving at her.

Giving him a good look to make sure it was him she glanced at the menu. "I will get the crozets."

Donghun took a while to chose, finally after five minutes a couple of words coming out of his mouth, lips Naomi was focused on now moving "I'll take coconut oil fried rice and the pork tenderloin."

"Excellent choice, sir." The waiter looked pleased with Donghun's response, maybe because it either costed more or was the plate of the day.

An hour passed and the two were done with the main course, finally tasting the famous chocolate pasta with the raspberries sauce everyone was talking about.

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