五 | Silky Smooth

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Broken pieces of mirrors glued in every wall reflecting the dim white lights at the top as they fell onto them, creating some kind of small rainbows you could only notice when the sun was shinning and it's sunshines were falling right through the windows on them, mainly not because the restaurant was past closed by then since it opened at seven pm and close at three am.

Naomi couldn't help but gasp, everything was beautifully designed and placed, the tables, the plates, the foyer, everything. Specifically the fact that the you see the roof and the enormous chandelier even if you weren't upstairs since the second floor had this big round hole that probably made the tables be around it. Plants hanging from their pots that were almost invisible. Feng Shui at its finest form.

Her eyes caught up immediately the people and more importantly what they were wearing. Some middle aged women in the first table were all wearing Luis Vuitton, she figured because of her best friend, Ashley, she was always talking about that exact collection of pieces, it was her favorite.

She aspired to be a designer too so every chance she had she always made Naomi comment on the dresses she doodled and also making her try them on to fix any imperfections with pins pitching her skin.

Quickly, she took out her phone and snapped a quick photo, sending it to her.

She continued watching, some rather young ladies were wearing Channel and made sure their golden bracelets were showing, something that pissed her off.

Not so excited now she looked down to see what she was dressed with. It was her grandma's elegant rose gold dress from the 5
60's, she inherited after her death, six years ago.

Even if it was over fifty years old it was elegant and what seemed like a gown. Too perfect and self made.

Some heads criticizing. It was enough to feel like a fly inside a room of frogs.

Go to Bordeaux Château said Xiao, it's going to be amazing.

Side note: She wanted to get wasted and die from choking on her own tongue.

She headed for the foyer, searching for a reservation at eight under the name Heather Stanford.

Quickly enough she was escorted to a table for two by the window and the huge, also red, curtains· on her left hand wooden stairs reaching the second and final floor.

Everything was so red, well actually not the girly red you see everywhere, the wine and bloodish shades, the dark ones. Deep and mystic, erotic.

She didn't have to wait long alone, not that she would get bored, every second that passed she noticed something new she could comment on and stare in awe at. It was only easy to stay there for hours, days, weeks.

On the other side of the block Donghun was making his way there, trying to keep calm and stop freaking out about everything possible.

Of course he was relaxed because, it was just Naomi and panicked exactly because of that.

Before stepping inside he decided to calm down once again. It was his best friend, everything would be normal except the fact that this was a date but he in reality knew it wasn't.

Best friends don't do dating.

This was just for the girls. Typical. Basically just expensive hanging out.

Like, really expensive hanging out, if the bill was too expensive there would probably be a need to sell their organs or stay and wash the dishes.

He opened the door and headed for the foyer, asking about the exact same reservation. Instead of escorting him they just showed him where a lady was waiting for him.

NICKNAMES。ᴸᴱᴱ ᴰᴼᴺᴳ ᴴᵁᴺDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora