Water under the bridge

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"What?" Gilbert stumbled back in shock looking at Billy.
"Anne and I are courting."Billy repeated, eyes wandering Gilbert's features for a clue whether he was about to be punched or not.
"Billy!" yelled a laughing female voice, Annes face immediately ran through Gilbert's mind.
She ran up to them smiling, hoping to stop him from possibly telling the boy.
She had stoped next to Billy, standing just in front of Gilbert.  Anne had noticed the look on Gilbert's face and asked Billy worriedly "Wait did you tell him?"
"Yeah he did" answered Gilbert, adjusting his vest, a frustrated tic he somehow acquired.

"I was going to tell..."
He let out a forced chuckle, cutting Anne off "Be honest Anne we both know you were planning on keeping this in the dark as long as possible."
Anne looked down at her brown lace up boots, trying to control the guilt that rolled around in her stomach.

"Why?" He asked
Anne gave him a sad look, almost as if it was an apology. That alone made Gilbert even more upset, Anne shouldn't have to apologize for who she's with, no one should.
"Why... him" he tried to control his anger. He couldn't believe after everything Billy had said to her that she would just move on and do something like this.
Anne knew this was a shock but she was confused at why Gilbert looked as if he would cry and why it was making her tear up as well.
"He's nice to me now. He matured."
" so you'll forgive him for everything he has said to you but you won't forgive me for calling you carrots!" He scoffed loudly.

"Gilbert there's no need to get upset" Billy tried calming him down

"No I get to be upset you know why I am mad. You know how I felt but you went behind my back"

"How was I supposed to know you were coming back. How were any of us supposed to know" he said stepping closer to Gilbert as if threatening him.

"Billy no" Anne said stepping in front of both of the boys placing her hands on Billy's arms, making sure neither of them would get hurt.

"I'm sorry man"  Billy said reaching his hand out to shake Gilbert's

"Whatever it's just water under the bridge. Right?" Gilbert said looking directly at Anne before walking away. Ignoring Billy's hand

"Gilbert" yelled Anne running after him
"Gilbert" she repeated grabbing his arm
But he just kept going dragging her along with him
" stop!" She yelled even louder than before
" really why should I?" He stoped ripping his arm out of of her grasp turning around to face her.

" look I don't know what is wrong but don't you dare take this out on me, it is not my fault, I don't understand why you're so upset."
"You don't? Think long and hard about it Anne." he asked blood boiling "I'm sure a girl as bright as you can figure it out."

"What did I do!"she asked, Anne was starting to get mad at this none of this was her fault he was being confusing.
"You know what Anne? Nothing, you did Nothing." He shrugged sarcastically.

" than why are you mad?" 
"Because you did nothing!" He yelled, throwing his hat on the ground" I would send you letters almost every week. And you did nothing"

"Gilbert I never received any letters?" She said in a more calm, yet confused state.
"Gilbert you were sending them to green gables weren't you?"
"Yes where else would I send them?" He said rolling his eyes.

"Gilbert we lost green gables."

"What?" Gilbert froze, how could they lose green gables and why didn't she tell him. He felt horrible for Anne, he knew how much that meant to her.

"How about you come over tonight and we can talk. Okay?" He sighed defeated.

Anne was sitting in the kitchen of Gilbert's home waiting for him to finish up making the tea.

"So what happened" Gilbert spoke handing Anne her cup of tea .

"Matthew got sick and then it got harder and harder to keep Jerry around so we had to let him go. Then it just went downhill from there I guess." Anne began to explain. "And eventually we lost the house to the bank and now we are just hopping around staying with whoever offers. Matthews is currently still trying to get a job in town. Although not many people will hire him at his age."
"Where are you next?." Gilbert asked

"I don't know" Anne said frustrated at herself as she slowly stirred her tea.
"Well why don't you stay here" silence filled the room Anne's hand coming to a stop, her eyes remaining in her tea. "Anne?"

"I don't know Gilbert, after everything that's happened? You already have Bash and Mary."
"No worries Bash and Mary arent coming for another month, see it's meant to be"
While Anne was still hesitant she knew how desperate they were, and they couldn't take up the Barry household forever.
"Fine, as long as I get to meet Bash and Mary"Anne concluded.
"Of course they would love that. Bash especially"
"So... hows Billy" Gilbert asked sipping his tea, spitting it directly in Anne's face
"I forgot I hated tea" he said wiping his mouth not realizing what he had done
"I can tell" she giggled. Gilbert's eyes shot up in shock standing up to look for his handkerchief, coughing as he tried to muster his laugh.
"Oh Anne I'm so so sorry" laughed Gilbert
"Really cause people who are sorry usually don't laugh at the victim" she stated.
"Hey your lucky I haven't had time to properly fix the stove or else that would be burning you face. " he said turning to see her already wiping her face with a handkerchief. Gilbert wanted to assume it was Anne's however he knew Anne, and her initials were not 'BA'. It was no doubt Billy's.
"Thank goodness" she smiled at him
"Yeah. Thank goodness. " he struggled a smile back, as they couldn't help but stare at one another.
"Well I should get going Matthew is probably sending out a search party by now." she sighed signaling to the window. The sky had turned into a dark grey sunset, the sun barely shiny through a few trees.
"Let me walk you home wouldn't want you to get hurt" he offered putting in his coat alongside her, and stepping out the door.
"Ready" he said getting up and reaching out his arm for her to take, which she great fully toke.

"Where are you staying tonight?"

"The Anderson residence" she looked down walking through the wooden door.

Gilbert really didn't want to see any one of those pigs but he had no choice, for Anne could possibly get hurt. Neither of them had spoken to one another the entire journey. Only stolen glances.

Gilbert had been thinking to himself and before he knew it he was invited to spend the night at the Andersons for it was so late.

"You can sleep in Billy's room" she smiled nodding to Billy to show Gilbert to the room

"This is it." he said walking and grabbing more blankets and pillows placing them on the floor
Billy had made a tiny bed on the floor before getting under the blankets, Gilbert coping his actions but getting in the bed instead. The room was filled with awkward silence before Billy spoke up from the floor.

"Hey Gilbert."


"I'm sorry for going behind you back with Anne, I knew how much you liked her but I still did it and I'm sorry. Honestly Gilbert, If you believe that I really should, I will..."

" I know what you're going to say. Don't end the courtship with Anne she really cares about you."

" I thought you liked her"

"Of course, but the last thing I would want is for her heart to be broken"

Fair and square - shirbertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora