"Help me," Tikali says, Katara looks at him in shock as he steps towards her and places his hand on the ice, "With your powers, we could take down the fire lord, we could start a new era where fire does not have a place in the world."

"So you'll eradicate an entire civilisation, just for revenge?" Katara gapes, "You're a madman!"

"They eradicated the air nomads," Tikali shrugs, "They almost eradicated us too. Why shouldn't they feel the fear we felt?"

"Why should we aid in the distribution of fear and hate?" Katara asks, as she talks she distracts Tikali, taking his attention off her movements beneath the ice, "The Phoenix King has fallen, let the wars fall with him."

"Of course," Tikali sighs, rolling his eyes, "I would expect nothing less from the Fire Lord's weapon, you're not water tribe, you don't understand."

Katara has had enough of talking, the ice around her starts to crack, and whine under pressure.

"What are you doing?" Tikali says, stepping back in shock as the ice continues to crack, "How are you doing that?"

The fire in Katara's blood has helped her melt the ice around her hands, now, with her hands freed, she bends the ice, making it crack as the moon reaches its peak. The ice shatters and Katara grabs the spirit that is tightening around her throat, she squeezes it and it hisses in pain before disappearing.

Katara turns her gaze to Tikali and his eyes widen in horror as the fire in her eyes roar.

"I am Katara, of the Fire Nation and Water Tribe," she snarls as she brings her hands up, "You killed my father, prepare to die."

Tikali's eyes widen as he falls to his knees, the sound of his body tightening under her control make's Katara smile. She can hear his veins constricting as moving at her command, but before Katara can end it, Sokka bursts into the room and looks at the sight before him. Katara twists Tikali under her hands, she looks at her brother and he frowns.

"Don't," Sokka says, his voice breathless as he watches his sister.

"Why not?" Katara growls, her eyes turning back to Tikali, "Why should I let this monster live? So Aang can take his bending? So he can live in a cell? So he can live in a cell? He'll kill again, Sokka, if we don't stop this now, there will never be peace."

"Then let me do it," Sokka says, he unsheathes his sword and Katara looks to him in shock, "You don't need his blood on your hands."

"Your hands are shaking, Sokka, let me do it," Katara says, noticing the way Sokka's sword trembles.

But Sokka doesn't listen, he lets out a war cry and then shoves his sword through Tikali's chest, Katara listens to the sound of the sword slicing through Tikali's entire life and poke out through his back.

Sokka steps back and Katara stops bending, Tikali's lifeless body slumps forward, with the sword's blade sticking out of his back, slick with his blood.

Sokka's hands are still shaking, he turns back to his sister and tears well in his eyes.

"Hey," Katara breathes, she pulls her brother close and holds him as he wraps his arms around her waist, "It's ok," Katara soothes as Sokka presses his forehead to her shoulder.

"Katara," a voice stammers, Katara looks to the door where Aang stands, pale-faced and wide-eyed.

Two days pass and Katara stays in the water tribe for Hakoda's funeral, she watches as a small canoe is prepared for her father, the tribe come together to paint the canoe and lay wreaths of silk and fish appease the spirits.

Katara, of the Fire NationWhere stories live. Discover now