A Queens Attitude

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I'm a terrible author. Lol

You sigh as the last person in the museum leaves. It's been a few days since you stepped out of your exhibit.
After the argument with Ahkmenrah and having the impulsivity of a meerkat, you were just staying in your own head for a little.

Though staying in a glass case can only get so interesting. Getting up from your throne you stretch and exit your clear cage. Holding your hands behind your back you walk around your exhibit.

"Hey (Y/N)! Glad to see you out of your exhibit!" You look to see Larry smiling at you. He had a bag in his hand. He noticed your glance and dug his hand in it and pulled out what looks to be a pastry. His smile grew as your eyes widened at the packaged product. Larry handed it to you. 

"Cosmic Brownie?" You looked at Larry, confusion and disbelief evident on your face.

"Hey don't hack it till you try it." He said, chuckling at your reaction. You shrug your shoulders walk away from the night guard. You begin to walk around the museum and notice a glowing directory of the museum. After glancing at it you smile and make your way to the exhibit you had set your eyes on. 

You open your treat that Larry gave you and eat it while making your way to the exhibit. The sweetness took you by surprise but nevertheless you enjoyed it. After throwing away the package and using some hand sanitizer you finally entered the Butterfly Pavilion.

You were near the exhibit and entered with a giant smile as you saw all the beautiful butterflies. The air was sweet from all the sugar water in the air and the plants. A butterfly landed in your hair and you stuck out a finger for another one to land on. 

All the colors and the sweetness in air reminded you of your home. It's hard to not miss it... The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted your thoughts. You look to see Ahkmenrah in the entryway of the exhibit. Sighing you walk out of the exhibit. Ahk pointed to your head. 

You roll your eyes and put a finger to your hair. The butterfly crawled onto your hand allowing you to relocate it back to it's Pavilion. "Do you need something?"

"No, I don't."

"Really? So you're a buzzkill because you enjoy it?" You roll your eyes and cross your arms, putting all your weight on one leg. "Never would have guessed."

Ahk glared daggers at you. "Well, it's hard to have a serious conversation with someone when they have butterflies in their hair."

"Oh? And what serious conversation do you need to have with me?" You walk over to one of the benches and sit down crossing your legs. Ahkmenrah looks at you intimidated slightly. 

"Larry, told me that I should apologize. Though it's not my fault you lack the decency of a normal princess, I should not have acted the way I did."

"Excuse me?" You got up from your seat and walked over to the Pharaoh and grabbed him by the neme. Pulling him down to your eye level. "For your information, I am a Queen and you will address me as so." You let go of the neck piece causing the Pharaoh to stumble back a bit.

"Second of all, I do not accept your apology. I may be younger than you, but you are none the wiser when it comes to decency." You begin to walk back to your exhibit feeling the life draining starting to drain from you. "Try again, and maybe you'll get it right."

Ahkmenrah watched as you walked away, disbelief and slight blush evident on his face. He heard his name being called and turned to see Larry.

"Hey! What are you doing up here, it's almost daybreak."

 "I- I was trying to apologize like you said."

"Oh how'd that go?" Larry said while ushering Ahk to go back to his exhibit. 

"Not well." Ahk rubbed the back of his neck while walking back to his glorified box. "She's very...intimidating? Though I don't mind it. I find her pretty, despite her opposite personality."

Larry chuckled at Ahk's confession. "You sound like Nick, when he had a crush on his middle school bully." Ahk blushed slightly at the remark. It went unnoticed by Larry, who was still rushing to get the young pharaoh back to the exhibit they had reached.  

"I do not have a crush on her."

"Heh, you'll get another shot kiddo." Larry helped Ahk remove the lid of his sarcophagus. "Maybe even get to confess." Larry laughed a little when he helped Ahk into his sarcophagus. Earning a royal eye roll. 

Shutting the lid, Larry walked out and got ready to open up the museum. He passed by you sitting on your throne in your glass exhibit. He smirked as he walked by you. "Young love."

Sorry I have been so inactive with the book. I still love Rami, just school and I was busy finishing my other stories. Hopefully we can get this one back on track and push out more updates before everyone get's tired of my bs update schedule. Anywhoo...wherever you are...good morning or good night....PEACE OUT!!!!

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