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"The weather's nice," She tried to make small talk with him. The two Grojband members were at the park, enjoying the nice day and each other's presence. 

"Yeah it is," Corey responded. He then smiled and got off the bench. He turned to Laney, "Race you to the playground!" She smirked and got up.

"You're on!" The two got into position.

"Ready," Corey glanced at her, "Set," He smirked as he looked forward again, "Go!" They were off. The two ran through the other people who were walking on the path toward the playground. Eventually Laney wasn't in his sight. Corey reached the playground and caught his breath, "I win!" He looked around, confused. Laney hadn't ran up after him yet. She was a lot faster than him normally. Where was his band mate? "Lanes!" He called as he looked around, "Lanes!" He went back to the path to look for her. Then he found her. Laney was sitting on a bench, watching her knee bleed. She must have fell while they were running. Corey suddenly felt really bad, "Lanes!" He ran over to her, "Are you okay?" Her face was a little pale at the amount of blood that was coming out of her hurt knee.

"Yeah Core," She looked up at him with a fake smile on her face, "This is nothing," He frowned.

"It doesn't look like nothing," He said to her, "It definitely looks like something," He knelled down next to the bench and pulled a First Aid kit from his pocket, "I've learned to start caring it with me," He told her when she gave him a weird look, "My ideas always seem to get someone hurt," He took out the band-aids and started to work on her knee. He eventually finished and put the kit up. Corey smiled at his band mate, "There!" He said with a smile as he sat next to her on the bench. 

"Thanks Core," Laney spoke as she smiled back.

"No problem Lanes!" He responded. She looked a bit embarrassed.

"Hey Core," She said. He turned to look at her.

"Yeah Lanes?" He asked her. Laney quickly kissed his cheek and then looked away.

"Thanks again," She responded. Corey's smile grew.

"I still won the race," He teased. She turned to look at him and rolled her eyes. 

"If I hadn't fell," She started, "I would have won,"

"No!" He retorted, "I still would of," The two smiled at each other as they continued to argue about who would have won if the girl hadn't fell. Corey was happy that it had ended up this way though. He wouldn't have gotten that kiss on his cheek if he hadn't taken care of her. Being a bit girly was something he could deal with if he could get that reaction out of the girl he likes.

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