Chapter 4-Multi personality & Dhruv, go well together

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Chapter 4

Multi personality & Dhruv, go well together

The night passed with lots of work and no thoughts about Dhruv/ Edward, yup that is what I was calling him in my mind anyway.  It was dinner time so Navya came to my desk to call me for dinner, usually me, Navya, Smitha and Naveen went for dinner together. Mike had other friends so he went with them.

I locked my system and walked with Navya to go for dinner. Before going to dinner, we frequently went to restroom and we always took time there because we usually gossiped in the restroom and Smitha had to reapply her lipstick 2 or 3 times before we came out. Navya and I were not so much into makeup so we would talk and crack jokes while Smitha did her touch up.

But unfortunately we had to pass through Dhruv’s team to get to the restroom.

Navya, I and Smitha were passing his team, when he looked at me for maybe 5seconds, just when I was about to smile at him, he turned away immediately like he didn’t recognize me.

I was seriously getting annoyed with this boy, he gave a huge smile and winked at me earlier and now he just turned away like he didn’t even know me. And why was this even bothering me.

Maybe because all my life people have always pampered me, even though my parents are very strict they always bought me whatever I want and my friends always treated me with so much love and respect. And my ex boyfriends, well all of them treated me like a princess, the only reason I broke up with any of my Ex was because I was never ready for commitment. I broke alot of hearts and “this guy” was not even acknowledging me. Well I guess it did hurt my ego, it was not like I have any feelings for him or did I. NO definitely NOT.

I donno what was happening to me, he was a nobody as far as I was concerned so why bother thinking about him, but I did think about him but not in an “I like him kind of way” but in “Oh god what’s his problem kind of way”. He was my friend right? So how difficult is it to be normal to a friend.

Anyway I also ignored him and walked to the restroom; Navya sensed my change of mood but didn’t ask anything in front of Smitha. After awhile we met Naveen and went for dinner, while Naveen and Smitha went to get dinner, Navya asked me what happened and I couldn’t help so I told her the whole story about Dhruv.

“It’s all just a big coincidence Sari; he doesn’t seem like a horrible guy. Maybe he was busy with work so he turned, that doesn’t mean anything and anyway why should it bother you he’s not someone close to you, Is he? Asked Navya eyeing me suspiciously.

“No way, he’s not close to me, it’s just that he acts nice one minute and next minute he is different” I said

“Don’t care, just ignore him” ending the topic as Naveen and Smitha joined us with their dinner.

By the time we finished dinner and went back to work, Dhruv was completely out of my mind.

I finished work late since I was helping Naveen with his work; he is so slow in learning and keeps making mistakes. I had to help him or he would have stayed for long.

Smitha and Navya also stayed back with us, so we all left around 3:30am for our cab.

Like always Smitha, Navya and Naveen got their cabs first because they stayed far so they left.

After awhile I saw my cab and boarded it. The cab was empty except for, well you guessed it Dhruv!!

He didn’t look at me at all; he didn’t speak to me also. He just sat there looking outside the window.

I sat next to him, and I opened the cab window. I turned completely towards the window, the cab started moving. It was a windy morning and since the window was open the wind was hitting my face, it felt so refreshing. I know it seems simple but when you’re sitting in front of a computer the whole night, these kind of small things seem heavenly.  

“Can you pull the window up; it’s pretty cold “Dhruv stated.

That was not a request or asking politely. That was a statement, who did he think he was, he would have asked politely but he didn’t so I ignored him.

“Can you pull up the window, please” he said.

Okie so he used please, so I pulled the window up and he gave me a huge smile for which I couldn’t help but respond back with a smile.

I was wrong before when I said he was not someone I would call handsome. He was handsome; he had the warmest smile ever.

“I was thinking you should give me your mobile number” he blurted out.

“Huh” I was shocked what was with this guy, he just now acted so cold to me and now he wants my number.

“I mean for cab pickup, it would be easier that way. I will call you before cab comes near your house to pick you up so you don’t have to wait” he said looking at me.

This was bizarre, why was he being sweet now. Usually the transport department calls me to tell when my cab will be arriving and most of the time the cab comes late and I end up waiting near my pick up point. So why was he offering to call me and help me or did he just want my number, which meant he liked me. Oh god why does he make me think so much!

“Hmm Okie” I said and gave him my number.

By that time I reached home so I said bye to him and got out of the cab feeling confused.

I got inside my house, it was 5 am. I was too restless to have breakfast so went straight to my room, changed and cuddled up in my bed.

Just when I was above to fall asleep I got a text.

Unknown number - Hi this is Dhruv here, save my number.

First text from Dhruv

Why did I have butterflies in my stomach?

Thank you for reading


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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