Open Discussion #31

128 21 18

"There is a difference between being cocky and being confident".

-Tee 🧞‍♀️


This is kind of a piggy back off of what Loni said in the last chapter.

Why is there a double standard when it comes to man and woman?

Why is certain things that man do is glorified and then certain things that women do is glorified?

And similar like Loni said earlier, why do men get all the backlash and etc for putting his hands on a women who hit him FIRST?

Like women wanna congratulate one another for hitting a man but when he defends himself it's a problem?

Oh he a "woman beater" and things like that 🤨

But when we woman do it its glorified?

Like I'm not really understanding it 🧐

All I'm saying is that; if you put your hands on a person first EXPECT for the other to hit you back to DEFEND their self 🤷🏾‍♀️

Like you can't going around hitting on mfs 🤨

And then it's double standards when it comes to income, work, etc when it comes to man and woman 😂

Like what? Why IS there a double standard?

Women can do the same shit just like a man can and a man can so the same shit a woman can do 🤷🏾‍♀️

And no I'm not talking about reproducing a damn baby 😒

Anyway, yeah 🤷🏾‍♀️

Do y'all think this double standard thing has helped the "human kind" or no?

Why or why not?

- Tee 🧞‍♀️

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