Chapter 19

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When Elijah picks me up the next morning it's to go on a tour of Mystic Falls with Jenna for his 'book'.

'Everybody knows that you are planning on letting Elena die during the sacrifice and they aren't exactly happy about it. I feel like they are going to retaliate against you. I'm worried about you Lijah.' I tell him as we continue on towards where we were meeting Jenna. I knew that Damon would be planning something, he had been too quiet on the subject and I knew it was because he was keeping me out of any plans involving Elijah.

'You don't have to worry about me Jamie, though I appreciate your concern. They would need a dagger to take me out as you well know and I doubt that they would have one.' Elijah reassures me.

'But Niklaus could have found a way to get one to them, through Isobel and John, they work for him I think. Just promise that you will be careful, Damon is keeping me in the dark about his plans as he thinks I'm on your side in all of this and in a way I am, but I won't betray him either and you are on our side. He is so blinded by his love for Elena to see that the real threat is Niklaus, they all are and it will be their undoing.' I say as I look out the window, watching the scenery pass us by.

'I'll be careful. If they do have a dagger though I do not want you to lose them because of me. Should the worst happen and they dagger me, leave me be. It's not the first time and it won't be the last, I'll be undaggered eventually and I don't want you to cross them.' Elijah says wholeheartedly.

'Oh noble Elijah, always putting everyone before yourself. I promise that should they dagger you I shall wait until fate should see fit for you to awaken.' I agree as the car rolls to a stop.

'Good. Now shall we join the lovely Jenna for a walk through my homeland?' He comments.

'We shall, you know Ric is going to get jealous of you spending so much time with his girlfriend.' I point out as we exit the car but he just smiles with a faux innocent expression and greets Jenna.

'You know the old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence.' Jenna informs us as we walk through the woods. I breathe in the fresh air deeply and allow my senses to open, listening to all the animals around us.

'Ah the Fells. One of the founding families.' Elijah comments and I grin at his joke.

'Why do you say it like that?' Jenna asks, picking up on his subtext.

'My research,' Elijah begins, 'Showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier.' He enlightens Jenna. Yes and the other about six centuries give or take when you lived here, I add in my head. 'It was a migration of townsfolk from the Northeast, um, it was Salem to be precise.' He continues. So whatever it is he's fabricated this whole book for has something to do with witches.

'Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?' Jenna asks.

'Which means the ever lauded founding families didn't found anything.' I pipe up, never having enjoyed this whole, founding family business.

'Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders in 1860. Men are very territorial.' I laugh at her statement when I smell Alaric's scent and notice him walking towards us.

'Yes they are.' Elijah says once he catches sight of Alaric as well, causing Jenna to look up.

'Ah Elijah, this is my... friend, Alaric Saltzman.' She introduces.

'What's up Ric?' I call out to him.

'Hey Jay. Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along.' He explained. 'You know, being a history buff and all.' He continues with a charming smile. It wasn't hard to see why Jenna fell for him. 'Where to next?'

'I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners.' Elijah says. 'Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history.' He continued, watching Alaric carefully.

'Well I only brought the surveys. I got that list in my car, just give me a sec.' Jenna says, walking past Ric towards the car.

'Alaric Saltzman. So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect.' He comments.

'So is Jenna.' Alaric says back seriously.

'You have no need to be jealous Alaric. Lijah is a gentleman.' I told him with an amused grin.

'And I don't really pursue younger women.' Elijah says and sends Ric a lopsided smile as I chuckled. Ric wasn't looking particularly amused. 'It's a joke, Ric, lighten up.' He comments.

'Right.' Alaric says as Elijah walks past him. 'You know, I'm beginning to agree with Damon about that guy.' He says to me.

'You too? Elijah knows that none of you like him and he's pushing your buttons, he's a good guy Alaric and I wish that I wasn't the only one to see that. I just hope that you have the sense to stop Damon from doing something stupid.' I tell him seriously.

We talk with Jenna and Ric for a while longer before Ric went to the grill to meet with Damon and his new toy. We appeared in the grill later and I spotted them all sitting together just catching the tail end of what they were saying.

'Ah there's Jenna with her new boyfriend or is it Jay's boyfriend?' I glare at Damon from across the room and he just smirks back at me. He waves us over. 'Hi.'

'Hey guys.' Jenna says leading us in their direction while Lijah and I shared a look.

'So I heard you guys had quite the meeting of historical minds today.' Damon comments.

'Yeah, I guess you could say that.' Jenna says, looking to Elijah with a smile and I could smell the jealousy rising off of Ric.

'As much as I would love to continue this, I have papers to grade.' Ric says with a tight smile.

'I expect an A Ric, I worked hard on that paper.' I tell him jokingly.

'No. You know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party.' New toy say what?

'Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?' What are you playing at Day, hmm?

'It's good for me. Jenna?' Ugh why is she still speaking?

Ric tries to say no but Jenna wasn't having it. 'I'm free.' She looks to Elijah.

'It'd be a pleasure.' He responds which makes Damon smile.

'Great, Jay I would invite you but it's the adults only club this evening.' Damon says, sending a smirk my way. I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing that meant he was going after Elijah tonight.

'It's never stopped you before, Day.' I point out to him. 'So why should it be an issue tonight?' I prompt, letting him know that I know what he's up to.

'Perhaps Damon is right Jamie. I've been taking up too much of your time lately. You should do something for yourself this evening.' Elijah says to me, looking me in the eyes, telling me to stay away.

'As you wish, Lijah.' I concede. Damon sends me a glare as Jenna and Ric look confused by my compliance, I generally don't appreciate being told what to do. 'Drive me home?' I asked him.

'Of course.' He offers me his arm. 'I shall see the rest of you this evening.' He tells the others before he leads us out of the grill. Once safely in his car and away from eavesdroppers I turn to him.

'They are definitely going after you tonight, you need to be careful Lijah.' I tell him urgently. 'That is the only reason that Damon would not want me there.'

'I know, I'll be careful. And if he does try anything I promise to not kill him, though I may hurt him a little, and threaten. The only thing that matters now is that you are safe and not involved. Promise you will stay away this evening.' He responds.

'I promise so long as you message me at the end of the night to let me know that you are safe, if I don't get a message I know they daggered you.' I reason.

'Of course. I promise I will message you.' He assures me right as we pull up to my house.

'Good. I'll see you later Elijah, good luck.' I tell him, darting in to kiss his cheek before leaving the car and going to the house, trying to ignore the pit in my stomach that was telling me that everything was about to go horribly wrong.

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