~Chapter 1~

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   "Come on Anastasia!" Grandpa said, "they will be here any minute!"
     "Coming!" I said as I half ran half fell down the hill. I was 5 then, a clumsy, light hearted little girl with a big imagination, and a love for exploration. My bright red locks of curly hair bounced up and down as I made my way as fast as I could back to the house. I was so excited to meet my baby sister. I couldn't wait any longer!
     I was staying with my grandpa for a week while my parents were home preparing for the baby. "A baby!" I thought to myself. "I'm going to be a sister!" I had wanted a sister for as long as I could remember. I could hardly believe the day was finally here that I would get to see her.
     My mother's parents wanted more than anything to be with mama when the baby was born. So as they were all home making preparations, I stayed with my grandpa on my fathers side. We waited anxiously at his house just a couple of miles away.
     It was just before dinner when mother and father came home. Grandpa and I had been preparing all day. We made dinner & set out places for all of the family. We made sure that everything was perfect for when they came home.
     I burst through the door, almost dropping the flowers I had just picked for mama. When I saw them waiting in the front room for me, I ran straight into my fathers arms. He lifted me up to see the baby in my mothers. She was so beautiful. My father told me that her name was Drizella. "That's perfect!" I exclaimed. "She looks just like a Drizella!"
     I looked up at my mother & asked if I could hold her. "Of course sweetheart" she replied, I set the bouquet down and she handed the baby to me. As I held her in my arms my father said," She looks just like you when you were born. Except for the hair of course." He said jokingly as he playfully tousled my hair. I giggled, then looked down at Drizella. I smiled my biggest smile & she smiled right back at me! I felt like I was on top of the world. "I have a sister!" I thought to myself. "I have a sister!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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