No More Secret

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Watchtower Meeting Room
Bruce P.O.V

I was in the meeting room at the watchtower waiting for it to end. Superman was rambling about how the justice league needed to get rid of all spiritual creatures. It reminded me of Ghostbusters. They don't know the truth though. They don't know that I am what they hate. I am a demon fox. I am Zatar the White Fox. The King of all demons. Satan doesn't exist anymore because i defeated him.

They all think the white fox is too dangerous to exist and strive to find it. I noticed Clark stopped talking and looked at me. I noticed he wasn't the only one staring at me. I decided to speak, "Yes Clark, is something wrong?" "You just don't seem as interested as the rest of us." He said.

"I'm very interested I was just thinking of plans to defeat the white fox once we find him." I lied easily. Foxes are good at deception. He nodded and continued the meeting. When the meeting finally finished I walked out of the door and felt a shoulder on my hand. I turned my head and saw Diana.

"Bruce, are you ok?" She asked. Gosh this woman is annoying. "It's Batman on the watchtower." I growled and yanked my shoulder away from her. She can never say Batman it's always Bruce which is so annoying. I tried to walk away, but then she turned me around and kissed me. There were other people around I remembered.

I pushed her back and slapped her. She looked shock and so did the leaguers who were in the hallway with us. "I thought you loved me!" She exclaimed. "You're a fool who only believes what you want. I would never love a person like that." I said angrily.
It was then I noticed her attention wasn't on me anymore. Her eyes were looking behind me. "Oh no." I said quietly. I turned me head in the direction she was looking and my eyes widened in horror. My tails were out and waving around for everyone to see.

I used my dark magic to transform back into a normal human without tails, but the damage had already been done. I looked back at Diana and noticed the rest of the founders were coming out of the meeting room. All conversations the had stopped immediately as they looked at me. Before entering the justice league all members must memorize all the well known demons. As the king of them all my tails were really recognizable.

I decided to run as fast as I could to the teleporter, but someone shut down the whole watchtower. I turned back to the league who had ran after me. The founders were in the front. "All this time it was you who was the white fox. I thought we were friends, but I know your past. What you did was unforgivable. I know what you did to all those people. My only regret is not noticing soon enough." Clark said as he pulled out some holy water to splash on me. He threw it on me but nothing happend. Normally when you throw holy water on a demon they evaporate. Since I am a higher level demon it didn't work.

All everyone present stood in shock. I guess they've never seen a higher level demon. I transformed into my fox form which I'm more powerful in. The league gasped as they saw me in my normal state. Then the founders closed in on me and attacked me with holy knives. The knives sank into my skin, but it didn't hurt. "Should've expected that from the kind of all demons. How do we defeat it?" GL asked as if I was some object. I snarled at him pushed him out of my way.

I tried running from the heroes, but it was difficult to do since there were so many. Someone grabbed me around my stomach and pulled my tail. That made me mad so I used my other tails to slap while I moved around to bite the offender's arm. I heard them scream in pain and saw their blood drip on the floor. Once I broke free of their hold I teleported to the batcave with magic. I ran up stairs and looked for Alfred, yelling his name.

"ALFRED THEY KNOW!" I yelled. He came running immediately. "Master Bruce where should we go?" He asked with urgency. "We have to look for the council." I said. "The council of demons?" He asked. "Yes my friend the council of demons. The others were good friends of mine and still are. I need them to make sure I don't do anything crazy again." I stated.

Alfred nodded and left, but not before saying, "I will go prepare the jet. In the meantime please come up with a plan to stop the league. You know how ruthless they are when it comes to fighting demons." He said. I nodded in agreement then followed him into the batcave. The league could be brutal when it came to killing demons. It's not like I couldn't defend myself alone. We both knew that. I just needed the council to make sure I don't go crazy and bloodthirsty.

The reason I'm so hated by the justice league is because in the past I had slaughtered many humans after I had found out my finest tasting rabbit had been stolen. That rabbit was extremely rare and hard to find. The taste would've been worth the time it took to find it. I killed the mortal who happend to be one who stole it. After I killed the mortal I killed several thousand humans to satisfy my bloodlust. Eventually the council found me and calmed me down. It took centuries for me to get over it.

I needed to find them soon so I looked online for any information on the whereabouts of them. When I was getting close to finding one of them a video popped up. The face of Superman and the other founders of the league were there. I started listening to what Superman was about to say.

"We of the justice league have witnessed something horrible. It turns out the white fox which we have been trying hard to find has been one of our own the whole time. It has been none other than the Batman. He cannot be trusted and will be exterminated. Reporters were all around him. "Superman how will you destroy the king of a demons?" One reporter asked. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Asked another. The questions kept on coming.

The league got fed up with the questions and left. The video stopped there. I exited out of the video and continued my research. Eventually I found them all. Alfred said nothing throughout the entire time we were in the batcave.  He spoke as soon as I got up. "Master Bruce I prepared the batplane for you. We shall leave whenever you wish." He said blankly. "We're going now to Arkham Asylum. I have reason to believe the others are there." I said with slight happiness. Alfred nodded and got into the plane. I got in and switched to my human form. I wasn't wearing my batsuit I was instead wearing a black suit with some black shoes. I sat down in a seat and put on my seatbelt. Alfred did the same, but sat in the cockpit. I teleported the plane in the backyard so we wouldn't have to roll it out from the inside.

Alfred got the plane in the air and flew it to Arkham as fast as possible. If there were laws in the sky Alfred would've been arrested immediately. Once we arrived at Arkham Asylum Alfred landed the plane behind the building where there were no cameras.

"I will stay in the plane if you need me Master Bruce." He said politely as always. I nodded in thanks and snuck my way inside the building without behind seen. "The security here is terrible. No wonder criminals escape so easily." I muttered shaking my head as I crawled my way to the Joker's cell through the vents. Once I made it to his cell I called out to Joker.

"Joker are you Lucifer?" I asked. "Yeh what took you so long to figure that out Zatar?" He asked mockingly. "I've known for awhile. I just thought I'd double check. Anyway let's find the others" I said in a bored tone. He nodded and I moved to make room in the ventilation shaft for Joker.

I don't own anything

Wait, He's A Fox?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora