(9) New Hotel Dumort

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Hi everyone! Woots 100! And im thinking of a new book, a compilation of all-teenage things! will tell you more if I actually publish it!

“Hotel of Death.” Chantelle couldn’t help reading the words spray painted on.

It would have been too late to wait for the Clave’s backup to arrive, and they would take the easy way out anyway—putting the blame on Marissa. In Los Angeles, there were a group of vampires that barely had care for the Accords. They seized an old building they call “New Hotel Dumort” and live there. They don’t attack in the open, but they pick off on people. Marissa must have been captured when she was on duty today. They were a parody of a destroyed building for vampires in New York, the original Hotel Dumort. Meanwhlile, Laressa remembered Pablo’s words.

“Save her, please. I meant to stay, but her words were to get help. She was bloody, arms seizing her as she said it…”

Laressa’s only hope was that her sister was alive and not yet Turned.

“It’ll be fine.” Zachary said, guessing the girl’s thoughts.

“Zach, lead with me.” Called Chantelle quietly as she moved forward silently. Zachary moved up, Andre moving to bring up the rear. “Circle around.” They did a quick circle around the building, and all was clear except for that horrible stink. The abandoned building was an old haunted building, Chantelle heard from her mundane friends before she entered the Institute. There were always dares that people enter, and whoever entered truly never came out. Chantelle knew the official cause after questioning Ares on this when she was 14.

“How do we get in?” Laressa asked quietly from behind.

Chantelle scanned the area. “I say rooftop.”

Zachary gaped. “It’s Ares’ job to think of crazy plans, not you.” He said, clearly not expecting the girl to think up such a dangerous idea. The building had to be six storeys high, and it was positioned such that it was difficult to get good footing, and was way harder to climb, even though the Younghunters were not bad climbers.

“Two of us can take the chutes.” Suggested Andre. “Only two can fit.”

Chantelle scanned the four Shadowhunters. “I volunteer to take the top.” She said confidently. Chantelle was quite agile, and being a dancer, she could move pretty much delicately.

“If Chantelle’s going, so am I.” Zachary spoke.

Chantelle was alarmed. “It’s fine, you don’t have too…”

Zachary’s eyes were blazing with determination, the kind which would be hard to change decisions. “Sorry Channy, but it’s an oath I made to Ares that I would always take care of you lest he’s gone. You won’t be able to be rid of me, so I suggest you accept it.” He said, jumping onto a Dumpster, the highest around there.

Chantelle pursed her lips, as the other two headed for the chutes. She took her place next to Zachary, reaching higher and higher. They climbed higher and higher, till their fingers were bloody. Suddenly, Zachary cursed below Chantelle as he lost grip for one hand.

“Hold on.” Chantelle said, immediately reaching for Zachary’s hand.

“Hey! What are you two doing up there?” Down below, a policeman yelled, blowing into his whistle, but Chantelle paid no attention to him, hoisting Zachary up.

“I’m too heavy, Chantelle.” Zachary said, glancing up. That brief flicker told Chantelle everything. The fear in his eyes, how his hands were bloodier than hers, for he gripped tighter than he should, and the way he trembled just a little with that touch.

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