• Pranked •

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• Pranked •

"Tobitaka-san!" Someone screamed, and a sharp pain from his ear made Tobitaka jolt up from sleep. He mustered his harshest glared in the direction of the voice, only to see an angry Toramaru next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Tobitaka asked, frowning at the blue-haired boy. "Isn't it seven? The alarm on my phone didn't even go off yet."

"It's not seven, it's noon! I've been trying to wake you up for hours!" Toramaru shouted, flailing his short arms in the air.

"Oh." He took his phone off his nightstand and checked the time. 12:03. And after he typed in his password, he checked his alarm app, (yes, he had an alarm app. The clock app that is normally provided on most phones was much too quiet,) and saw that all his alarms were turned off.

"Tobitaka-san, don't sit around playing on your phone. Hurry!"

He sighed and stood up. "I have a giant routine that I have to do in order to make my hair perfect. You have to wait for at least two hours." He stated matter-of-factly, looking through his shelf to find his hair gel. Though, when he checked, all of it was gone.

"Toramaru, do you happen to know where any of my hair gel is?" Tobitaka questioned, looking around his room to find the brightly colored container.

The blue haired boy let out a giggle, and Tobitaka rose an eyebrow. Crossing his arms, he said with annoyance, "Toramaru, I need my hair gel. So if you happened to take it, could y-"

Toramaru then burst out laughing and he pointed at Tobitaka's head. Or was it his hair? "Tobitaka-san," he managed to gasp out, "you look so funny with your hair like that!"

Tobitaka scowled before looking in the mirror in his room to see how bad it was. And it was horrific. Luckily, he washed his gel out last night, so it wasn't going to be permanent. But now, his hair was sticking up like a lion's mane. He couldn't understand how Tsunami could pull off that hairstyle.

"Can you get me some hair gel from Gouenji's room? It's in the second draw, on the left side." Tobitaka stated, getting out a comb from his hair supplies bag.

"How do you know that Gouenji keeps it there?" He asked, tilting his head to the side with confusion.

Tobitaka stayed silent, hoping the boy wouldn't question him about it further. (He might sometimes steal hair gel from Goeunji, and he might think it's much better than his. What? Gouenji's hair gel is the best hair gel a man could buy. It's 7,786 yen!) Luckily, Toramaru walked out of the room and brought him the hair gel, handing it to him. He gladly took it and opened the container. Though when he opened it, a sweet smell was inside. The gel was not gel, it wasn't even close. It was whipped cream.

He yelled out in frustration. "Why is there whipped cream in this?!"

Toramaru walked over to him and looked into the container. "Did you ever think that someone is pranking you?"

Tobitaka sighed again and ran his hand through his horrible hair. "Toramaru, you can go ahead and get to practice."

He nodded his head and left the room, leaving Tobitaka to comb his messy hair. Brushing out all the knots, he put his hair in a ponytail (he couldn't do his signature style without gel) and walked out the door. After heading to the kitchen to get something to eat before practice, he saw the three girls give him confused looks.

He quickly took a banana from the fruit basket and went to the field. Sitting on the bench and finishing the banana, he threw it away in the trash can and started jogged around the field. He continues to jog like the rest of the team when he noticed the mohawk headed annoyance coming in his direction.

Tobitaka tried to jog faster to avoid him, which wasn't easy if a giant Kabeyama was right in front of you, blocking your path. Unfortunately, Fudou was faster than he looked, and caught up to him. He tapped his shoulder, a smug smirk planted on his face.

"So Tobitaka? What in the world happened to your hair?" He asked in a mocking tone, the smirk on his face growing wider by the second.

"Nothing," Tobitaka mumbled.

"Really? Because it looks like your hairstyle changes quite a bit." He grunted. Of course, he knew it changed, he wasn't blind. Tobitaka wished Fudou would shut his mouth sometimes.

He continued, "You always look like a moose, but now, you look like Kazemaru. By the way, that's not a good thing."

"Just get lost, Fudou Akio." Tobitaka sneered at the boy, jogging past him and Kabeyama when trying to get away from the brunette. He heard him call, "it was just a joke," but Tobitaka tried to ignore the voice of his teammate.

Coach Kudou then blew his whistle, signaling the end of the warm-up. "That's enough running!" He yelled out to the field. "Start now by getting into pairs and practice passing!"

"Yes, sir!" Tobitaka shouted back, as well as the rest of the team.

Toramaru waved to him, a ball in his other hand, and Tobitaka ran up to the blue-haired boy. "Well, Tobitaka-san, at least you're not the only one that has hair problems."

"What do you mean, the only one?" He asked, looking around the field to see someone with his problem. His eyes then met Gouenji's, whose hair was far from perfect. The sharp spikes of hair on the platinum blonde were now down, making neck length strands.

"Cool." He said though relief filled his mind. He wasn't the only one having problems like this. "We should start practicing though. Coach Kudou is eyeing us."

Toramaru passed the ball to Tobitaka, and he tried to pass it back. Though when he did, it was about a foot above him. Tobitaka grimaced. He still wasn't good enough.

The blue haired boy jumped up and caught the ball with ease. "That was great!" Toramaru yelled out, smiling at him.

He and Toramaru continued to practice, passing the ball back and forth. Though, while Tobitaka was doing so, he noticed the gaze of a certain first year. Kogure Yuuya looked at him with his bright orange eyes before turning away to practice with Kabeyama. Tobitaka's suspicions rose when he heard the boy laughed.

After practice was finally over after a few hours, Tobitaka was exhausted. Grabbing a towel and wiping his face, he walked over to Kogure, an angered expression on his face.

"Kogure," he said plainly, the boy cowering in fear. "Did you take my hair gel?" Stretching out every syllable, he leaned down to Kogure's height at every word.

"Tobitaka-san, can't you not be so mad when I prank you?" He pouted as he told him the words that confirmed his suspicion. "...Anyway, bye!" Kogure ran off, and Tobitaka sighed. At least now he knew who did it.

He started to walk off before he couldn't feel the ground under his feet. Literally. He felt weightless before smacking down to the hard ground. "What the heck. . ." He groaned, rubbing his arm in pain.

Tobitaka saw the shocked faces of his teammates above him. He heard muffled giggles from certain people, (specifically, the chuckle of a certain midfielder.) The signature laugh of Kogure, "ushishishi," echoed throughout his mind. That boy had pranked him again.


Pranked End •

And that was the first story! Please review, and thank you for reading!

• July 22, 2018 •

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