"Cheryl. She's more comfortable with me." I sit down on the bed. "Why? I allow her to be open to me. She usually when she shutdown goes to me." Cheryl walks around the room thinking. "But she doesn't talk to you. I know. Probably because I grew up in the same situation as she was in a few years ago." She stops and takes a deep breath. "Your right. But I feel bad because she probably feels uncomfortable around me or something." She walks over to me. I take her hand. "Cheryl she still has attachment problems, she was born drug addicted, she grew up with an abusive uncle, she didn't have parents. I relate to her for a few of those and she knows I do. I know how she feels and she know that." I pull her in closer and stand up. "Hey you can take the twins." I joke. She slaps my arm. "Ok." She smiles and pulls me into a kiss and I kiss her back. "Maybe I should talk to her." I nod.


The next morning I decided to talk to her. I knock on the door. "Hey. Can I come in?" She was sitting on her bed playing with something. She looks at me and nods. "Can I close the door?" She nods and I close the door. I sit in front of her on a chair and pull it to her bed. "I was talking to mom yesterday and she said that you felt more comfortable talking to her about thing." She sits up. "Yeah. So?" She ask. "Can I ask why. I won't be mad." She takes a deep breath. "Because she, she knows how I feel and we've gone through similar things." Exactly what I thought. "You know you can talk to me I might not know what your exactly going through. But I can listen." She looks up at me. "How does it feel to have parents that are actually yours." I sit back. "I hated them both of them. My parents were not the nicest. My dad killed my brother. And my mom got paid to be with men. It don't know exactly how you feel. But I know how it feels to not be loved and feel alone. But now you have me and mom both of us are willing to listen to your problems." I take her hand. "I remember my parents I don't remember much. Do you or mom have any information on them? Besides what you told me." I shake my head. "I wish we did. They only told us what we told you." I lied. I hate lying to her but she can't find out she's not ready. She nods. "Cheryl can I get off topic because this is getting depressing." I laugh. "Yeah what's up?" I sit up. "Why do you and mom kinda look like these people in an old comic book that I found and why do you both have the same names." She shows me and Archie Comic. "Well me and my brother were named after them. I can't speak for mon though." I laugh. "Is that all you had to ask?" I hand her the comic. She nods. "Did you find the comic interesting?" Maybe we can get her into something else. "Yeah." She looks at the cover. "Do you want to me see if I can find more like this one? I probably have some from when I was a kid." She nods. "Yeah." I smiles. "Ok I'm going to leave I have to get to some work done. I'll see you later." I walk out and downstairs. "Did you talk to her?" I take a deep breath. "Yeah. But I didn't figure out why except that you know what she going through, there has to be more." I sit down in font of her. "Cheryl maybe we should take her to someone. I forgot to tell you this because today was been so crazy, but last night JJ woke up and I went to clam him down like usual, I went to check on Rose because I was up, and she didn't sleep last night. I asked her what was wrong and she has been having nightmares and I guess this has been happening a lot. Maybe we should have her see someone." I nod. "Yeah I was thinking about asking you the same question. I can talk to my therapist and see if she knows anything." It's weird how we always think about the same thing. "Cheryl, I just realize we need a babysitter for the kids tonight, we have a Serpent meeting tonight." Shit! I forgot about that. I was about to say something but we got interrupted. "What's a Serpent and why is there a meeting about it." Toni looks at me wide eyed. One of our wedding vows was to never get our kids involved with the serpents until they were 16 and we still would let them decide if they wanted to or not. I shrug. "You know that jacket I wear when I leave sometimes?" Toni ask. Rose nods. "Well it's a group and we get together every month maybe more depending on the month and we talk, we made jackets to represent that." Toni lies kinda. Luckily Rose believes anything and shrugs her shoulders and moves on from it. "Ok cool um can I watch some tv?" She asks. "Yeah of course you don't have to ask. Just don't watch anything you know is inappropriate." I tell her she nods. "Ok and you said something about a babysitter if your going to do that can it be Aunt Veronica?" Toni smiles. "We'll talk to her she might be busy so it might be Kevin." She nods. I noticed she was off. "What about Fangs?" I look at Toni. "He'll be with us." She nods and goes into the living room to watch tv. I get up and close the door and wait for the tv to turn on. Once it on I look at Toni. "She wasn't going to let it go if we just said it wasn't any of her business, you know this." I sit down in and sigh. "But she can't find out. What if she found out that," I look at the door and make sure she's actually watching tv. You can usually tell if she's not because if not the tv is quiet. "What if she found out that you were on a drug dealing mission? She knows how bad drugs are she would never think of you the same." She looks pissed. "Well tell me how you would have handled it?" She right there was no other way. "Your right. I just want what's best." She nods and takes my hand. "I know you want what's best but that was the only way to tell her we are both in a gang without freaking her out. She knows about this stuff. She knows its not a good thing, I almost lost you because of this but we both chose to be involved with this and we both agreed to keep are family separate from it." She kisses my knuckles softly. I hear her in the other room watching something she shouldn't and Toni does to. "I'll go tell her not to." I get up and go in the room. She looks at me. "You can't watching that." Family Guy, really? "But I want to watch it." She protest. "You watch something else or no tv for a week!" I get aggravated. She shakes her head. "No!" She yells. "Turn off the tv and go upstairs right now." I yell. She gets up and goes up stairs. I go into the kitchen. "I hate yelling at her. Should I go up there?" I ask. "Give her a minute to calm down. She sounded like she was about to have a meltdown." I nod. "Your right, I hate yelling at her. I had no choice." I up and pick up Mary because no matter what is going on they make my day 100 times better. "Hey cutie." She grabs my fingers. "Your so precious." She smiles, she's so adorable. She literally is me when I was her age I swear theses two are going to look me and Jason. "I texted Veronica she's free." I turn around. "Ok."

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