We're Sentient, We're Something

Start from the beginning

He smiled and knocked the ball back to the girl. Luckily, it made it to her without totally flying off course and into the ocean never to be seen again.

"You and me versus Lance," She smirked, looking to the tall lanky boy across from her. He didn't look too pleased by the idea.

"That's two versus one, no fair!" He complained.

"Fine, you and Keith against me." Y/N laughed, passing the ball to Lance. Still, he didn't like the idea of it.

"Then it's not fair for you," He objected again.

Y/N crossed her arms and scowled a little. "Please, I can take the two of you."

"Mmm, I think it'd be better if the two of us just played. I think Pidge wanted Keith's help with that radio anyways—"

"No she doesn't," Keith snapped. "If you don't want me here, you can just say it."

"Keith, that's not what he—" Y/N started but the sharp look Keith sent her way made her pause.

The dark haired boy looked back to Lance. "I told you I'm trying. This is me trying! Why are you fucking it up?"

Lance didn't respond and so Keith shook his head in frustration and stormed off towards the water.

"What'd you do?" Y/N ditched the impromptu soccer game all together and head back to the cottage. A couple of minutes later, she walked past Lance, who still stood in the sand like a statue, sending him a slightly disapproving glare as she went by. Y/N understood Lance and Keith had never really gotten along. They always fought, but more in a brotherly way. This disagreement though seemed more real, more hurtful and more destructive than any other fight she'd had Lance complain to her about.

It didn't take long for Y/N to find Keith. There was a log on the edge of the beach which faced out to the water, and there was no mistaking Keith's dark hair and pale skin. Carefully and quietly, Y/N approached, gripping what she held in her hands tight. One of the headphones was in her ear as she listened carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to pause the song she was listening to. When she found it, she took out the headphone from her ear and approached Keith.

He was shocked at first to realize it was her sitting down at his side, expecting it to be Shiro. Her soft, sympathetic smile calmed him a little as she settled down at his side. She didn't need an invitation or sign of approval from him, she just did it: invaded his space like it wasn't a problem because she knew it wasn't one.

Keith was the one wanting to initiate and progress this friendship with Y/N, yet she seemed to be the one covering the most ground. She made all these random, kind gestures. She made him feel comfortable. And now, here she was, offering him music while in distress when he could hardly make himself look her in the eyes. He took one of the headphones reluctantly with a slightly shaky hand.

"Listen to the words carefully. Got it?" She asked.

Keith nodded and waited for the music to begin flooding his ears.

'We're all human, we're just like you man.'

Loving Someone. One of those songs on the CD he always listened to because he liked the sound of it, but never listened to the lyrics.

'We're sentient, we're something.

You know I can't really remember, whatever.

We shouldn't have people afloat.

If it was safer underground, we wouldn't be on a boat.

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