Comincia dall'inizio

All that aside, days have passed of Grandmother and I staying in an inn in London, and today's the day we finally leave for the Hogwarts express.

Thankfully, i've grown closer to Ginny and the trio, that I honestly feel comfortable with going to Hogwarts, because I know that I have friends and I wont be that weird loner exchange student.

Thankfully, i've grown closer to Ginny and the trio, that I honestly feel comfortable with going to Hogwarts, because I know that I have friends and I wont be that weird loner exchange student

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Grandmother and I hop out of the car, and start to walk towards Kings Cross Station. We load all my luggage along with Sebastian who was in his carrier.

I look around to find any of my friends, but to no avail, I see none of them.

"Platform 9 3/4 is where we need to go." Grandmother says, slightly walking ahead of me, leading the way.

"That's a weird platform number." I tell her, causing her to let our a small chuckle.

"Your parents never told you anything about Hogwarts huh?"

I just nod my head no and purse my lips. Now that I think about it, not only did they barely tell me anything about Hogwarts, they barely told me anything about their life in London.

We stop in front of a wall, and I see the sign said platform 9 and platform 10.

"Gran? I don't see a platform 9 3/4 anywhere around here." I ask.

She just motions towards the wall, and starts to slightly push me, "You're looking straight at it!"

Then suddenly, she starts pushing me, straight towards the wall. She caught me so much by surprise that I can't even react fast enough to stop her, so I just brace myself for impact.

Weirdly enough, I feel nothing, and just open my eyes to see a red train that said "Hogwarts Express" on it. My mouth opens in astonishment, and I look up at Grandmother, who was laughing at me.

"Seriously! Ilvermorny cannot compare to Hogwarts at this point!" I admit.

Gran takes my trolley to some house elves, and then leads me through a crowd, into a small corner.

She then hugs me, and I hug her back.

"I'm going to miss you, (y/n)." She says, still hugging me. I smile to myself and start to feel a little sad.

"You're going to love Hogwarts, trust me."

We let go of the hug, but still hold each others hands and give each other one last smile.

"Now go catch that train!" She says, finally letting go. She slightly shoves me towards the train, so I start walking into the crowd to try and navigate my way into the train. I look back at Grandmother one last time, and give her a tearful wave. She too, looked like she was on the verge of crying.

I finally make it into the train, and try to find either the trio or Ginny.

As I walk down the small corridor, looking into each compartment for my friends, I stop and see other familiar faces. It was Fred and George, along with another boy who I have never met before. They all seemed they were having a lot of fun, laughing and talking to each other. It also looked like they all had some sort of ball in their hand? The ball had weird sparks coming from it, it intrigued me.

George noticed me staring from outside, and I feel my cheeks get red from embarrassment. I try to walk away before they all notice, but as I do, I hear the compartments door open behind me. Great.

"Hey (y/n)!" I hear a deep voice say, I assume it was one of the twins.

I stop and slowly turn to see George smiling at me, "Oh, haha, hi." There I go, being awkward again.

"Care to join us?" He asks, smiling at me. He still had that weird sparkly ball in his hand, which still strangely allured me.

"Fine. But only for that thing you have in your hand." I tell him, walking into the compartment.

George closes the door behind him, and motions me towards the seat next to the person I didn't know.

"You can sit next to Lee." George says while returning to his designated seat next to Fred, who by the way was just staring at the floor.

"Hello, i'm Lee Jordan, and you are?" Lee says, while shaking my hand.

"Hi, i'm (y/n) Westenra, it's nice to meet you."

I then turn to Fred, "Hi Fred."

He just smiles at me which I return.

"Soooo.... what are those sparkly things you all have in your hands?" I ask, being super curious on what it is and what they were up to. A part of me sort of even wants to join in.

Lee's face just lights up, "We're glad you asked!"

"Explain it to her, George! You guys were the one who made it." Lee says.

George starts to play with the sparkly ball in his hand, showing it off, "This here (y/n) is a bomb."

I only look at them in shock, my mouth hanging wide open, "Excuse me, did you say, a bomb?"

They all start to chuckle at my reaction, "Don't worry too much (y/n). They're not explosive bombs, they're firework bombs." Lee says, reassuring me. For a second there I thought they were sadistic and were planning a terrorist attack.

"Yeah, and not only that, but this little ball here sets off a crazy amount of fireworks." George says while tossing the ball into my hands. I catch it, and examine it's details. It was very warm to the touch, and made my hands feel tingly.

"It's going to be our best prank yet!" George says while high-fiving Lee and his brother.

I toss the ball back to George and open my mouth to say something, but get cut off when the compartments door slides open. It was Hermione.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? I thought you said you'd sit with Harry, Ron and I?" Hermione asks, not even acknowledging Lee and the twins.

I get up from my seat, "I know, i'm so sorry! I just got lost and George offered to let me sit with him."

"Well, I figured. We were all just waiting to see when you'd walk in. Harry and Ron even made a bet that you were lost." Hermione says while taking my hand and dragging me out of the compartment and back into the corridor. She didn't even give me time to say bye to the boys.

She leads me down the corridor and we walk into another compartment. Harry and Ron just sat there, both eating chocolate frogs and talking.

"Hey guys." I say while sitting next to Ron, Hermione sitting next to Harry.

"Where were you, (y/n)?" Harry asks, chomping on his chocolate. I slightly cringe at him talking with his mouth full.

"Yeah, did you get lost?" Ron also asks.

"I did get lost for a little, but was saved by your brothers, Ron. They let me sit with them for a while." I say, day dreaming back to when I sat in the same compartment with Fred. It was a small amount of time, but it was still very enjoyable and fun. I'm disappointed I wasn't able to hear more about their prank plans.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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