Chapter 7

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This part was written by me

Hermione POV

"Hermione? Mione? Hermione Jean Granger?"

I woke up to Ron saying my name into my ear, still holding my hand.

"Oh, hi Ron. What happened?

"You fainted."

"Oh. How long have I been out this time?"

"A few hours"

"What's the time now?"


"On Christmas Eve?"


"I'll never get any presents for anyone. I wanted this to be the best Christmas ever!"

"Mione, I'm really glad that you woke up in time for Christmas, ok?"


We sat there for a while, until I heard the Hogwarts choir singing Christmas Carols outside.


"Yeah Mione?"

"Doesn't the choir only sing when it's a minute until midnight?"

"You're in luck, because it's a minute until midnight."

We sat there listening to the Christmas carols until we heard the bells in the bell tower go off. I then realised it was midnight, and it's now Christmas Day.

"Merry Christmas Mione"

"Merry Christmas Ron"

"You realise this is the Christmas I've always wanted."


"Yeah. I've always wanted a Christmas with my best friends, well, Harry isn't here but that's better."


"Because I get more time to spend with you"

"Really? You've always wanted that?"

"Since you grabbed my hand in 3rd Year when Harry was riding Buckbeak."

I blushed at the thought of that time. My first instinct was to grab something, and the closest thing was Ron so yeah.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now Ron"

"Ok Mione. You must be tired now anyway."

"Wait, have you left since I first woke up?"


He was blushing!! He must've stayed the whole time!"

"Yeah... I kind of stayed the whole few hours."

"Thanks Ron."

I gave him a hug and he blushed even more.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'm ok if you go while I'm asleep."

When I lay my head back to rest against my pillow, I see mistletoe above my bed that looks like the one from the Great Hall. I look everywhere else in the hospital wing and there's no mistletoe, just tinsel and wreaths.

"Umm, Ron. Did you so happen to see that mistletoe, and that it's the only one this room, and it so happens to be on the ceiling right above my head?"

"Yes I did. Merry Christmas Hermione Jean Granger."

Before I can respond, Ron Weasley kissed me.

If love remains, then forever! (a romione fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now