Chapter 8

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After breakfast, the Grandmaster talked to Topaz. He overheard something about a party and a beach. Loki waited for his 'true love' to come back. Eventually, he did.
"Loki! I have two perfectly planned things today!" The Grandmaster chimed, walking over to Loki.
"That's good. What are we doing then?" Loki asked.
"First, this morning and afternoon we are going to the beach and tonight we're having a relaxing party!" En told Loki.
"A relaxing party? That's the most surprising thing I ever heard you say. Every party I've been to here is wild, crazy and not so...relaxing." The god said biting his lip.
"Well, uh, you're not much of party guy. I know you want to make me happy and try to hide it, but I know you. I love you." En said.

Loki and En-Dwi-Gast were now walking to the beach. When they got there, it was beautiful. But, there was no one in sight.
"Where is everyone?" Loki asked.
"I made sure no one came today, just for us." The Grandmaster replied.

The Grandmaster and Loki set up their supplies. Loki pressed the umbrella into the sun while the Grandmaster layed down the towel and set up the cooler filled with food and drink. As soon as they were done, the Grandmaster looked into Loki's eyes.
"Shall we go swimming?" En asked.
Loki nodded. They walked to the crystal clear ocean. Their feet sank into the wet sand. They continued walking into the water till the water reached their chests. Loki swam around a little to get used to temperature. The ocean's water was much colder compared to Sakaar's warm temperature. Suddenly, Loki felt his head drenched in water. And it wasn't from a wave. Loki turned around to find the Grandmaster smiling in an evil way.
Loki used his magic to create a huge wave. The wave was much taller than the both of them. He then sent in the Grandmaster's direction. The wave hit En and knocked him down. Loki brooke the wave, trying not to drown En-Dwi-Gast. A few seconds later, the Grandmaster pulled his self-up and gasped for air.
"If Topaz was here, you would have been dead. Also, that breaks the law! No drowning old people!" The Grandmaster cried.

Loki swam over and smirked. "You're alive aren't you?"
"Yes... but I could have died..." En said fixing his hair.
"You really think I would do that?" Loki said raising an eyebrow.
The Grandmaster swam closer to Loki. He grabbed his wrists and swung Loki's arms around him.
"You've been naughty, Loki. ~" The Grandmaster said, leaning into Loki. The Grandmaster kissed him. The Grandmaster then made his way to Loki's neck and kissed him multiple times there. He let go and smiled slyly.
Loki blushed, his face turning pink. He didn't know what to say.
"I'll be on the towel if you need me." The Grandmaster said walking away.
Loki ran after him, not wanting to be alone in the water. Who knew what unknown fish and plants could be in there with him? The Grandmaster finally made it to the land. He walked up to their things and grabbed a towel. He dried himself off, then layed down on the towel that was on the ground. He also grabbed a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes. Loki just sat down beside him. Loki opened the cooler and got purl some kind of drink. The can was shiny and said something in the Sakaarien language. He hoped that the Grandmaster could teach him the language. The only thing is, he noticed that Grandmaster usually speaks English. Loki decided to ask him later and popped open the can. Loki drank some it for a taste. It tasted like grapes and smelt like it too. Then, Loki heard a voice. He turned his head down to En-Dwi-Gast.
"Sun screen...." En moaned. The Grandmaster looked boiling hot. Also hot in the other way too 😏😏😏😏😏
Loki looked through their supplies till he found it. He uncapped the bottle of sun screen and put some in the middle of his hand.

Loki slathered the sun tan lotion onto the Grandmaster's arms. He then made his way to his legs.
"Hmm. Much better." En-Dwi-Gast said smiling.
They spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach relaxing.


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