"Did you say it back to him, then?" Liam questioned.

"No." Harry deflated. "I didn't."

Mr. Reeds walked into the classroom not too long after, and the school day began. For the first couple minutes of class, he talked a little bit about the upcoming group performance that was due. Harry and the guys were pretty much prepared for it. However, the main thing they needed to do was practice their song together. With Louis' football and work schedule, they just haven't had the chance to see how well they sounded together. At least they knew their parts and instruments, but hopefully they could find a free day to meet up.

Once Mr. Reeds finished his lecture about the performance, he moved on to the individual song assignment. Since the morning was a little sporadic due to the pep rally, he planned to have the students who showed up read the songs that they wrote. Harry was lucky that he was able to volunteer first. He wanted to get his out of the way, and he didn't want anyone to remember what he wrote. Plus, Louis wasn't in the room, so on the off chance that he did show up, at least his song was already read.

More than halfway through the hour, the door to the classroom creaked. Mr. Reeds was sat at his desk while one of the students stood in the middle of the room reading off his song. Everyone paused to turn towards the door when they noticed it being pushed open. Harry's heart thumped rapidly in his chest when it was Louis trying to sneak his way in. There was a cheeky smile on his face, Mr. Reeds glancing his way unamused, and all Harry could think about in that moment was how he forgot to breathe again.

"Mr. Tomlinson, decided to show up today, did we?"

Louis scrunched his nose and started walking towards his seat. "The pep rally lasted longer this morning."

Harry was so fucking mesmerized by him, and he knew he looked like a fool staring. He really tried to look away, but every fiber inside of him wanted Louis to looked back at him - to notice him. Just from being in the same room again, he felt his body relaxing. He was once again reminded how truly in love with this boy he was.

"Well, since you so kindly decided to interrupt ... " Mr. Reeds stood up and grabbed a piece of paper on top his desk. "Maybe you want to share with the class the lovely song you wrote."

Louis stopped halfway up the row of chairs and slouched, turning to face Mr. Reeds with a frown. "Really?"

"It was the assignment for the day."

"He should've skipped," Niall muttered under his breath.

Zayn and Liam snickered. Harry gulped.

This was the song that Louis wanted him to read right after they broke up. This was the song that was supposed to mean something to him. Harry was fucking nervous. Louis slowly descended down the steps, and the other student standing at the front walked back to his seat.

"Is this mandatory?" he grumbled as he grabbed the paper from Mr. Reeds.

"If you want a grade for the day, then yes."

Louis snarled his nose and walked to the front of the classroom. He placed his sheet of paper on top of the podium and got himself situated behind it. There was a brief moment where he read through the lyrics quickly to remind himself of the words. Then he looked up, and his eyes immediately caught sight of Harry's.

Harry sucked in a sharp breath when those pretty blue eyes looked right back at him. It had been six days too long since he had last gotten to see them. It seemed liked the world around didn't matter whenever they looked at one another. It was like they were the only two people in the room. From just the short moment of sharing eye contact, his stomach erupted in butterflies. It was crazy how such a small act could have such a strong effect on him.

Closed Doors | Larry Stylinson ❀ [High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now