Supply Run •Sebastian•

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Here, have some Sebastian fluff, brought to you by my need to go grocery shopping. Also, blessing your day real quick with this pic of him in a baseball cap. Mhmm 😉

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I slammed the fridge shut and sighed.

"Well that was violent," my husband remarked. "What did the fridge ever do to you?"

I rolled my eyes, turning to face him. "It's empty," I said grumpily. "We literally have nothing to eat except some expired and/or solidified condiments."

Sebastian laughed. "That's because we've been gone for over a month. We didn't exactly have time for grocery shopping while on a press tour in Europe." He'd been doing press for his new movie, Captain America:Civil War, and I'd been able to tag along this time. It had been awesome, but I'd really missed home, and coming home jet-lagged and exhausted to an empty fridge was not ideal.

I grabbed my purse. "Alright then, let's go on a supply run."

"Wait, you're making me go with you?" He pretended to pout, and I laughed at him.

"You're adorable, Seb, and yes, you're coming with me. We have to put those muscles of yours to use somehow." I put on my sunglasses.

"I could think of some things," he said in a low voice, pulling me close.

But I slipped away from him. "Nope, save it for later, soldier." I winked, and handed him his sunglasses and ball cap: his trademark disguise.

When we got to the grocery store, I pulled out the list I'd made on my phone. It's always a bad idea to go grocery shopping when you're hungry. But I figured we'd be pretty capable of sticking to the list. What could go wrong?

That question was answered 2 minutes later when Sebastian put three packages of Oreos in our cart. "Look! They're on sale!" He looked so pleased with himself.

"Seb," I groaned. "We don't need junk food. We need real food, for actual meals."

"But these are new flavors!" he protested. "We gotta try them. I've been eating so healthy lately, come on, let's indulge."

I had to laugh at his puppy eyes. "Fine."

He kissed my cheek. "Thank you, babe."

"But now we need to look at actual food, okay? What sounds good?" I showed him my list.

"Burgers," he said promptly. Then he looked closer at my list. "Salad stuff sounds okay too. Can we get plums?"

"Yeah sure," I giggled.

We wandered through the store, picking up plums, lettuce, salad toppings, etc. I got the ingredients for lasagna, and some burger patties, and Sebastian went to get burger toppings. When he came back, I realized he had more than what I'd sent him to get.

"Hey, hey, beer wasn't on the list!" I teased.

"It's not my fault you made a mistake on your shopping list," he teased back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek sloppily.

I pushed him away. "Stop drawing attention to us," I laughed. I fixed his sunglasses. "I thought you wanted to stay incognito."

"I do, but I also want beer." He hugged me again. "Do you want something other than beer? Some of that wine that Scarlett had you try?"

"Oooh yes," I cheered a little. He laughed and went to get the bottle of wine, while I grabbed the last couple things on the list, including pancake mix (our favorite breakfast food).

After checking out, we headed back the car, him pushing the cart with one hand and holding my hand with the other. "That was fun," he remarked. "I should come with you more often."

I laughed at him, and swung our hands a little. "It was like taking a kid shopping with me. Next time you'll have to ride in the cart."

Seb put a hand to his chest, acting offended. "I can't believe you'd say that to your favorite husband. You know you love me."

I stopped and faced him, pulling him close for a kiss. "I guess I do," I murmured.

He kissed me deeper. "You're my favorite wife, too, by the way."

"Oh good. So you'll carry in all the groceries?"

"Of course!" he laughed.

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