the new hero's

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Thor jumps out and grads Loki and jumps back in iron man was confused and another portal came down and two people came out like that have seen a ghost. A boy called oakster and a girl called hettil. Iron man was confused and stated fighting. By the way oakster is a god sharp shifter and hettilis the god of magic and mist oakster stated to tern in to a car and hettil stated to get her now and arrow out and had a fight after 5 mins iron man shouted Thor and all of a sudden a another portal came oakster and hettil fell back and Thor came out then he could not believe his eyes he throat his hammer and hettil stoped it  and froud his hammer back at him and hit him of his feet hettil shouted for the portal. The portal came crashed down and and toke every one oakster and hettil toke cover and asemdald all the troops when iron man and Thor woke up?

Piz give so ideas for next chapter because there will be another

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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