Chapter 13

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(a new character has appeared!)


"Kyung. Wanna go to the bar with friends tomorrow?" She asked, suddenly.

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's a Friday tomorrow." She said. "Tomorrow night, I'll invite some more friends. Maybe even Yoongi and Dae Jung.." She said looking at me.

"I am free tomorrow." I said.

"Okay great, and also wear nice clothes, but not a dress." She said.


We headed to her house and ate chips and watched Youtube on her big TV.

We hung out for hours. By the time I left and went home it was 9.

I shower and quickly change into a simple white t-shirt and some black sweatpants.

I go into my room, lay in my bed, and eventually I fell asleep.

             |NEXT DAY|


I woke up to my phone ringing. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said with a little raspy voice.

"Hey Kyung it's me, Yoongi." He said.

"Um, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Can I come over to your place?" He asked.

"Um.. Sure."

"I'll be there in a few." He said and hung up.

Gotta change. I look like an absolute mess right now.

I change into, a purple t-shirt with pink sweatpants, I put my hair up in a ponytail. I go into the bathroom and wash my face, and brush my teeth.

It must've been rather like, 10 minutes until I heard knocks on my door.

It must be him.

I head over to the door and open it for him. But when I opened it.

He looked like he was crying.

I quickly gesture him to come in.

"What happened?" I asked.

He hugged me right after I asked.

I hugged back.

"My mother passed away." He paused, "I found out on my way here." He finished.

He walked over to my living room and sat on my couch. I sat on the other couch which was the other side.

"She was all I had, until my older brother left with my dad." He said.

He started crying again.

I walked over and kneeled infront of him and hugged him again.

"Look, it'll be okay." I said rubbing circles on his back with my palm.

He hugged me back.

"Kyung, S-she was everything I-" He stuttered as he was trying to finish his sentence.

"Hey, if you're ever feeling down. You can come over, okay?" I said looking at him in the eyes. His eyes were red and and his face was puffy from crying.

"But please don't cry. It'll be okay." I said. "Do you want anything?" I asked.

He shook his head. Then he came in for another hug and whispered, "Thank you." In my ear.

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