"ouu." cris said smiling extra hard

"no, whatever it is no." i said before she could even tell me her terrible idea

"cmonnnn," she said, "let's throw a party."

"cris." i said sternly. "it's deadass monday. it's too early in the week to throw a party."

"fine fine. is it because you have a date with that lover-boy of yours." she playfully winked at me

"no-" i began, "but, that might change." maybe we could go on another date. i thought to myself

i pulled up to my house and parked in the driveway

i pulled my keys out of the ignition and sat in my car engulfed by silence for a few seconds. sometimes i just need a break from reality with nothing but silence. it's soothing. cris knows about this so she sat in the silent car with me. after about 2 minutes i broke the silence

"ready?" i asked

"born ready." she smiled over to me

we walked into my house and cris immediately went to the kitchen.

"ouuu," cris said eyeing down all my snacks in the pantry.

"hey fatass." i jokingly called her

"hm?" she peeked her head around the cabinet.

"wanna watch a movie tonight?" i asked

"duh." she replied grabbing a bag of gushers.

"grab me one." i said

"please." cris said sternly

"pleaseeee." i said holding out the word

"here." she threw me a pack.

"thanks hoe." i smiled to her. "hey, you should invite jas." i said

"good idea." cris replied from the couch

she dialed jas

"no answer." she said a little worried

"try again, maybe her phones on silent." i said a bit worried as well

cris dialed jas a second time and she didn't answer again.

"cmon." i told cris as i grabbed my keys

she followed behind me quickly as me made our way to my charger.

i put the key in the ignition and quickly changed the gear to reverse, checking my rear view mirror, i can't afford another accident

i pulled out of my driveway quickly changing the gear to drive, flooring it.

i was going 35 in a 20.

i made a left on 4th and there was jas' large house

i parked on the curb quickly removing my keys

cris and i glared at each other for a second before climbing out of the car, running up to jas' front door, banging on it repeatedly

a woman in her mid-30's answered the door.

"hello." she spoke kindly and sweetly

"hi," i spoke quickly my heart pounding in my ears, "is jasmine home?" i asked anxiously.

"yes she is." the woman spoke clearly and slowly

slow speakers are a pet-peeve.

"would you mind if we came in, we're friends of hers." cris spoke nicely, way more calm than me.

"of course." the woman smiled

"jas!" she called from the large luxurious foyer, with a glamorous chandelier hanging from above. "you have friends here to see you!" she called, her voice echoing through the humongous mansion.

"alright!" jas called back.

not long after we saw a happy jas, wearing a pink bunny tank top with fluffy pajama pants matching it and cute ass house shoes

the woman exited the foyer and headed down a long hallway soon walking into one of the rooms the hallway held

jas saw our facial expressions and worry took on her face.

we both took her into our arms, hugging her for about 2 minutes. the foyer was quiet as cris and i felt relief wash over us knowing jas was alright.

"are you guys alright?" she looked us in the eyes

"yeah, no, we were just worried when you didn't answer." cris spoke softly.

"my phone died, sorry." she looked sincere.

i don't know why we got so worried but cris and i have been through a lot together.

we lost a friend awhile ago, i guess when jas fell into our friend group so quickly we grew worried about her.

"it's alright." i said

"well since you guys spent the time coming over here wanna spend the night and watch a movie maybe spill tea?" jas looked at us. "i can make killer burgers and fries."

"count me in." cris' face lit up when she heard burgers and fries

"i'm with fatass." i chuckled. "i could go for a burger and fries." i smiled

as the night went on i spilt the tea on ethan and i to jas, knowing she'd keep it on the dl. jas made the burgers and fries, once we finished we got our showers and used jas' pjs. then we watched mulan until we all fell asleep in jas' king sized bed

all in all, tonight was a success


hey my ugly rAts

sorry for not updating in a minute but here ya go

btw mulan is my all time favorite disney princess, i love the movies

hope you enjoyed

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ly my ugly rAts


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