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riah's pov

i woke up this morning feeling like shit. which isn't out of the ordinary. suddenly i feel a tight clench in my lower abdomen followed by a sharp pain and that's when i realized.

"fuck." i mumbled.

i walked to my bathroom and took two tylenols to help ease the pain throughout the day.

i realized my dad wasn't home, probably slumped in some bar.

so i grabbed my ootd, (outfit of the day) headed into the bathroom and proceeded to get my shower.

once i got out, i brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy low bun. i applied some deodorant and put on my outfit.

i didn't try hard because who tf am i trying to impress.

i wore grey sweatpants, a white sweater that said "f*ck off" which is probably dress code but i don't fucking care, who are they gonna call, my dad? ha, good one. and finally i wore my nike socks and slides.

i glanced at the time that read 7:22 am. i called cris and told her i was on my way, she noticed i sounded kinda down and instantly realized what was going on.

"you're staying over tonight and we're gonna eat ice cream and watch your favorite movies." she told me through the phone.

"that actually sounds like something to look forward," to i said chuckling.

"good, now getcho ass over here." she said laughing through the phone

"leaving now." i said as i hung up.

"last thing." i mumbled to myself. i grabbed a 2 go-gurts out of the fridge.

"that's my breakfast." i mocked myself grabbing my keys and locking my house door.


cris and i arrived to school on time, as we usually do, unless something comes up or the traffic's just really bad.

ethan must've spotted me walking to my locker because he approached me with a wide grin.

"good morning riah." he said kindly.

"morning e," i said "what's got you in such a good mood?"

"weeeeeell, since you asked," he began grinning like a maniac. "i'm throwing a party and i was hoping you-"

"ahem." cris said

"you, and cris, of course could come." he said nicely

"i don't see why not, when is it?" i asked

"tonight at 10" he smiled.

"shit. i can't go tonight." i frowned slightly

"why not?" he asked curiously

"cris and i have plans." i chuckled elbowing her.

"oh, alright i'll see you at lunch then." he said disappointingly.

"yeah, see ya."

"oh, riah, last thing," he stated "that sweater-" he began, "is most likely gonna get dress coded." he laughed.

"oh well, fuck it." i said simply.

with that he began walking away

"what was that all about?" cris asked,  "and since when are you and ethan dolan buddy buddy?"

"honestly i don't know, i'm kinda sad about that party though." i smiled thinking about the drama that could go down.

"same, but it's your time to relax, it's the weekend." she explained

"that's true, plus i'm really craving ice cream." so let's get through the day already.

sixth block

i approached my sixth block door only to be pulled away from it and into a janitor's closet not far from it.

whoever it was had there hand over my eyes so i couldn't really see, but when he removed his hand. i gasped loudly and began to regret coming to school today.


so who y'all think it is? vote and allat

ly my ugly rAts ;)


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