The end of an era

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The building is now Burning. The Old man gave him another option but Michael chose to stay put.

This isn't the first time Michael has watched something go up in flames, hopefully it'll be the last.

He leans back in his chair as the fire licks up around his desk he continues to relax for a bit until a familiar voice pipes up from behind him.


His head bolts around so quick you'd think he was an owl.

"Michael is that you?"

Michael grimaces at the sight of his father, he knows that William was completely conscious the entire time he dragged him from the alleyway into the building.

"You already know the god damn answer to that you filthy rag."

William steps over a pile of burning posters and the melted remains of a printer, making his way closer to Michael.

"Son! It's you!"

Michael Spits at his feet and stares him down with empty sockets.

"Haven't you missed me, it's been all these years?"

"Didn't I kick your ass and break your arm last time I saw you. It really wasn't that long ago. And stop calling me that."

"Oh Michael, I wasn't in the right state of mind then I was in so much p-"

"No you rotten furball I'm going to stop you Right there because I'm not letting you make me feel bad right before I die."

"Didn't you miss me?"

"No. You know damn right well I didn't miss you, I was rotting and decaying but still somehow despite that, the best part of my life was finally being without you. Don't play the "Oh son I finally care about you let's make amends before we die" bullshit, I'm not having any of it. Not now, not ever."

"Michael please."

Michael turns around in his chair and continues ignoring William.

"Michael." He puts his remaining hand on Michael'shoulder

Michael grunts and shoves him off into the flames with one big thrust of the arm as he stands up.

"MICHAEL PLEASE! I'M DYING! PLEASE!" William says while engulfed in the flames. He crawls on the ground towards Michael's feet.

"See you soon dad." Michael stomps William's good arm and sits back down in his chair, waiting patiently for his turn in the fire.

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