Death March

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   Accidents Happen,but this wasn't an accident,it was on purpose.

Blade's Point.

I woke up with excruciating pain following and remembered nothing that just happened.

I was on the floor somewhere,a pool of blood running next to me.

At this point I was whimpering,asking all these questions wondering where my Dad was,my uncle's,wondering if they knew where I was.

Hell I don't even know where I am.

Ricky's Point.

Where was my daughter?

I keep looking at my phone to see if she text or called to tell me where she was and I was starting to get worried.

I call the police because my baby is in trouble I just know it.

The police show up and I explain to them what happened and they went out to find Blade.

Blade's Point again.

I shivered after all it was the middle of winter.

Im starting to think no one is coming for me and as I start to cry and sob I hear a voice,a man he was telling at the top of his lungs.

"Help me please" I whispered softly not knowing who the hell would hear me.

I then drifted away into a pitch black sleep.

When I woke up there was a faint noise next to my ear and as I look over there was my Dad,the strongest man I knew and Mom the strongest woman I knew sobbing erratically.

I tried to talk but noticed there was a giant tube down my throat I assume breathing for me.

I move my hand to get someone's attention but it didn't work so I snapped my fingers a couple times.

Still Nothing Dammit.

I heard the doctor come in,close the door.

"Well Mr.Olson your daughter is in a deep coma,and I give her about a 50% chance as of now but I'd still stay positive she's a very strong girl." He said firmly.

Wait so if I can see him,why can't he see me and why can't Mom or Dad hear me what is this?

"What happened like what caused the guy she was with to wreck his car" Dad said with barley a voice left.

"I regret to inform you that the young man driving is dead it wasn't his fault,it was a drunk driver and they did catch him If I were you I'd see when the court day is." He said and walked out.

After that I woke up from my deep coma.

That's it for this chapter.

Sorry for the huge drama for the beginning of the sequel but Oh well

Tell me what you think!!

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