I Am Right Where I Need To Be

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I could make a list of things that I try to change about myself. Whether it be cutting out certain foods, making myself only eat when I'm hungry, or holding my tongue when someone says something that truly hurts. And I could spend a whole lifetime picking apart pieces of me.

I know that I could be more outgoing and I could also shut up at the same time. I know I could stop giving my heart to people who probably wouldn't do the same. I know I could work out more and spend more time with my parents. I know I could study more and go to church more. But I'm also proud of the woman that I've become. I know I'm sensitive and get hurt easily.. but I can also pour my heart into another person so that they won't be hurting.

I know that I can talk to a customer or friend and be able to give them my authentic self. I know that no matter how dark and scary the world may be I will be there through it all. I know that I want to be the best version of myself and one day I'll be in a city somewhere drinking wine from a coffee mug.

I also know that I love art even though I may not be an artist. I know that I won't be the same girl looking back at me in the mirror. I know that I will grow from here. I'm starting out my journey of falling in love with myself. I refuse to get anxiety attacks and wonder why I'm not good enough. I am so excited to fall in love with myself and I'm doing small steps to get there. Whether that be cleaning out clutter in my life and reading more classic literature. I'm starting to journal more and talk to God more.

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