“my baby's gone away.”

he sings.

“far away from me.”

he closes his eyes and focuses on the sound his guitar made. he closes his eyes as he passionately plays, still in his calm tune.

he finishes with a strum and opens his eyes. he grins and places his guitar back to where it came from.

a yawn finally came out off the male's lips. he stretches and scratches his abdomen before faceplanting (yet again) on his bed.

he stares into his clean and empty room as his eyes slowly close.

and soon enough, snores filled the room.

—next morning

jeno slowly opens his eyes as he felt an extra weight beside him. his eyes fully widen as he saw who it was.

it was his precious girlfriend, y/n.

his heart jumps in joy and for the first time in a long time, he finally felt complete again. he carefully snakes his arms to her waist so he wouldn't wake his treasured angel up.

he goes closer to her and snuggles onto her. he missed the heat she emitted when they cuddled, he missed her scent, he missed everything about her. he missed her.

y/n's eyes flutter open when she feels someones breath fan on her neck. a smile appears on her face when she realizes who it was. it was her dear boyfriend. oh how she missed him during those long dreadful out of town OJTs.

y/n holds him as well, returning the hug he gave.

“i missed you so much.” y/n swore she could imagine the pout in his face when he spoke.

she chuckles when he hugs her tighter and starts peppering kisses on her neck. “i missed my baby too.” y/n answers. jeno's smile widened at her statement causing his eyes to turn into two cute crescents.

he raises his head up to meet with hers. he closes the distance between them to disappear as they both shared an innocent yet longing kiss. they both pull away and chuckle when they see each other's red cheeks.

she hides hers by going inside his arms and hugging his waist. jeno places his hand on her head and his chin on top of her head.

they stay that way for an hour. just jeno playing with his girlfriend's hair and y/n rubbing circles on the male's back.

y/n finally breaks the silence when she lifts her eyes to meet with his. jeno looks down,
“why, what's wrong?” he asks, weary evident on his girlfriend's tone.

y/n smiles reaussringly “no, there's nothing wrong. are you hungry? want me to cook for you?” she asks sweetly.

jeno's heart swells. this, this what he missed. this was what completed him. she was what completed him.

he smiles and nods.

y/n pulls away and stands up.

“what time did you arrive? why didn't you tell me you'd go back home early? i could've fetched you from the airport—”

his questions were bombarded when y/n chuckles at his sudden outburst.

“i wanted to surprise you, i couldn't answer your facetimes cause i was in the plane for two days. i'm sorry if i made you upset.”

“no! it's okay. it's totally fine, don't blame yourself for this, alright?” he places her face on his hands and brings it near him to peck it.

y/n nods.

“now, if you'll excuse me. i have to make my future hubbs some of his favowite bweakfast.” y/n teasingly sings before running to his kitchen.

“wait for me, idiot!” he runs to her as well and captures her in his arms. they both break into a fit of laughter, both crying because of laughing too much.

she starts cooking while he backhugged her.

“let's go on a date after this, alright?” he cooes to her ear earning a hum from the latter.

“i love you.” he states before pecking her cheeks.

“love you too.” she blushed.


i wrote this at two am it was
supposed to be a nomin angst
but it turned into a soft × reader.


this is trash, why are you reading this.

and the lyrics that jeno sang are from ideadead's song 'Ariel'

y'all should check him out, he's really good.

empty + l.jnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें