"Thank you Thad." I said smiling a little.

"No problem, I am glad you got here to take charge some of my friends were out there, but the Alpha King said we couldn't go outside." He said and then turned to leave.

Now that I got everything sorted out I went to the side of the ballroom where all the seriously injured wolves were. I looked around at them for a moment trying to pick out the most injured and saw that they had ties on their arms signaling the severity. Red was near dead, yellow was less severe, and green was least important and they could wait a while. I went to the first man with a red band and he had a chunk out of his stomach and his throat was cut badly.

I took both of his hands in mine and imagined myself healing him and his wounds slowly closing making him better. When I opened my eyes I saw his wounds slowly closing and the color returning to his features. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in. I am so glad that worked, I hadn't tried healing someone else. I went around to the men and women with red bands and healed them. On about the eleventh person I healed I started to feel a little light headed.

I sat at the end of the mat of the man I had been healing and tried to wipe the tiredness away and focus. I blinked my eyes a few times to try and focus and then I saw Jace, Mrs. Preston, and Jay coming in with the supplies I asked for. I waved them over and Jay got a worried look on his face.

"Sweetheart what's wrong, you look pale." He asked with his eyebrows scrunched in worry.

"Jay I am fine I think I just healed too many people at once. I just need to rest up a little bit and maybe get some food and water to get my energy back." I said calming him.

Jace handed me a bottle of water and a granola bar, I guess she thought ahead and got some food while she was in the kitchen. I thanked her as I opened the water and gulped it down. They got to work on helping the other wolves after they made sure I was okay. Mrs. Peterson took some nursing classes in college and she knew her way around pretty well and took the lead as fill in pack doctor.

I saw Thad and some other wolves carrying in some more wolves and I laid down some more mats and blankets to make room for them. They laid them and I made sure that they could wait until I got my energy back to heal them. Most of them had a broken leg or head injuries that prevented them from walking here by themselves that weren't very extensive.

An hour later I got right back to healing people I finally got through all of the red bands and even some of the yellow before I was completely exhausted and near passing out. I laid down on one of the extra mats and before long I was asleep.


I heard a growl and a bunch of loud bangs and I rolled over on the bed. When I felt the hard surface below me I opened my eyes in confusion because I wasn't in my bed. Then I heard screaming and people saying orders. I saw people running around and shifting into their wolves. I remember now that I was in the ballroom with the other wolves.

I stood up and saw that almost everyone was gathered around the doors to the ballroom and I assumed that the rogues had made it into the castle. They piled things up against the door to make it harder for them to open the doors, but it didn't seem to be working. The doors were groaning with each hit from the rogues and you could see the wood beginning to bend and split apart. It wouldn't be long before they finally made their way inside.

The door broke and flew open and the rogues started pouring through the doorway. There were so many of them more than there were before. The only advantage we had this time was only a few of the rogues could come through at a time from the limited amount of space. I stared wide eyed as the fighting began.

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