"Well, not anymore," Cutter grunted as he moved. As they sat in silence, the eerie singing that echoed in the drains travelled from the water into the boat, and both Nick and Clara's ears pricked up.

"Singing," he mumbled softly. He then whispered some more incoherent words before his eyes snapped up to meet Clara's. "We need Abby and Connor."

"Alright," she nodded, heaving him up. They left the boat and got back onto sturdy land before calling Abby and Connor.


Just fifteen minutes later, they were perched at the edge of the canal, a recording device being plunged into the water. Connor and Cutter had on headphones so they could hear the underwater singing, while Clara and Abby both stood watching.

Nick had filled Abby and Connor in on what had happened to him in the boat, though he didn't include the face that he and Clara had seen until Connor brought it up.

"You know that guy that hit you?" Connor began. "What if he comes back?"

"He won't," Nick said. "I've seen him before. At the mall. It was the cleaner."

"I've seen that guy, too," Connor revealed. "I saw him at the ARC. He was dressed like a soldier."

"You sure?" Nick pressed.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Alright, something's going on," Cutter sighed. "We're being watched."

"Lester?" Clara piped up. She had always had an untrusting feeling about that man. Not to mention his creepy little assistant.

"Maybe," Cutter agreed.

"We should get Stephen, yeah?" Abby interrupted.

"Shh!" Nick shushed her. He looked to Connor. "Are you recording this?" The student nodded. "I mean, what does that sound like to you?"

"Dunno," Connor frowned. "Bit like something I once heard at Glastonbury in the chill-out tent." Clara snickered.

"Glastonbury?" Abby repeated incredulously.

"Yeah," Connor bit.

"Like you've ever been to Glastonbury," she scoffed.

"How would you know?" He argued.

"Look, what is going on with the pair of you?" Nick snapped.

"Connor is dating Cruella De Vil!" Abby peered at him.

"Oh, for crying out loud," Connor sighed. "It was an accident! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Shh!" Nick shushed, more fiercely than last time. "If you can't behave, you give the headphones to Clara, understand?" Connor nodded sheepishly, returning the headphones to his ears.

After a few more minutes, Nick pulled off his headphones. "Right, grab those recordings and let's get back to the boat."

Connor reeled in the microphone from the water and Cutter led them to the boat. Abby steered them out until Cutter told her to stop. "Alright, here will do." She stopped the boat and killed the engine so it just bobbed on the surface. "Play back the recordings."

Connor pushed a lever and the singing played back, through a box that was placed in the water. "Let's see if we can't invite them to come and see us," Nick said. While Connor and Cutter stayed at the front of the boat with headphones on, Clara and Abby each took a side of the boat to scour for the marine mammals: Abby had starboard and Clara took port.

"Guys," Abby called after about half an hour of searching. Everyone turned, but she shook her head. "Nothing." She resumed looking.

Connor stood up, growing bored. "Maybe no one's home, eh?" Nick didn't answer. The boat moved a little. Connor groaned. "No, this is stupid. We should be back with Stephen helping him search the canal, Cutter."

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