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šime was walking down the halls of the school, trying to find the right classroom as someone who was clearly wasted bumped into him.
"u tri pičke materine pazi kuda hodaš" šime mumbled angrily. when he looked up he saw that it was that boy dejan that bumped into him. he rolled his eyes and tried to pass him, but dejan grabbed his shoulder and slammed him into the lockers and came really close to his face whispering "reci mi to još jednom kučko mala i neće biti dobro po tebe". šime looked at him with fear in his brown eyes, and dejans look somewhat softened, so he released the shorter boy from his grip and walked away.


dejan didn't know why he did that, he was the one who wasn't looking where he was going, it was probably all the alcohol he drank. but when he saw the boy almost trembling with fear and the look in his eyes he couldn't help but feel sorry for him, it wasn't his fault. he wanted to apologize but his ego wouldn't let him. maybe if he apologized the boy would start thinking of him as a friend, and he really didn't want to get close to anyone anymore. he decided to just continue being cold to šime because of his own personal issues.


later that day at practice šime was just doing some warmups and talking with some of the guys from the team about the upcoming game. coach then told them they were gonna divide the team into two separate groups that would play against eachother. just to work on their teamwork some more. the team captains were šime and dejan. šime was still a bit scared of dejan because of earlier but shook it off, and dejan was looking directly at him with a smirk on his face. like he was enjoying the smaller boys fear. but he wasn't. he really wasn't.


when they started to play dejans team got the ball first and they ran ahead trying to score, but šime appeared hot on dejans heels and got the ball passing it to another player from his team and scoring a goal. then later someone tripped dejan so he scored a tie from a free kick. the game ultimately ended in a tie, šime scored a goal and a player from dejans team scored one aswell. the coach was impressed by everyones playing and left them all off early. as everyone was leaving vrsaljko earned a few pats on the back by some of his teammates saying he played well today, dejan saw and just rolled his eyes, he couldn't stand to see all the attention the new guy was getting. i mean sure he was hot as fuck and could play well, but so what? dejan just went home, still in a crappy mood about the whole training.


Šime couldn't understand what the tall guys problem was. he knew he did absolutely nothing to set the boy off, exept for cursing when the dude ran into him, but other than that absolutely nothing. he tried shaking off the thought but he just kept thinking of the boy. dejan. what was going through the boys head he couldn't quite figure out just by the brief encounters he's had with him. he tried to think about literally anything else but couldn't. and ultimately got so exhausted he just slept.

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