A Thousand Summers (Edited)

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 January 1st, 2000: Later that night

Applied Cryogenics 405 W. 43rd. St.

I couldn't help but stare at that paper as I walked. My stomach was in all sorts of knots. I got some weird glances as I made my way past O'Grady's pub that night. It was freezing, but I had been in such a rush that I bolted out the door in my pajamas and Fry's jacket. Not to mention I was barefoot. He wore that thing almost everywhere, so imagine my surprise when I see the familiar shade of bright red hanging on the coat rack by my front door. I pulled the jacket tighter around me when a sudden gust of wind stole the paper from my hands.


Tripping over myself I ran into traffic after that damn address, my bare feet kicking up water along the pavement. I wasn't going to lose this, not now. I was so close. Bright headlights blinded me, and the rainwater swept the note into the gutter. Angry tears flooded my eyes while more than one driver honked and cursed me at me. I ran up onto the sidewalk, asking anyone who spared me a glance where Applied Cryogenics was. No one would listen, no doubt they all thought I was crazy, especially to be out in this rain.


I screamed to the sky. I didn't care who was listening, who saw me, I was losing it. My best friend could be missing and I had lost my only clue to finding him. The longer I stood there the bigger the puddle around my feet grew. I couldn't give up yet, and I didn't plan on it. Once again pulling the jacket tight I took in my surroundings. I could only remember the 43rd in the address. The night grew longer and longer as I wandered New York at two in the morning. It wasn't the best decision but I stand by it to this day. After what felt like years the tall building came into view.

Applied Cryogenics. No power failures since 1997.


The door squeaked slightly when I opened it. The room was lit in a sort of...eerie light, as the only light source was the glow of the cryogenic tubes. The dull blue glow didn't help too much, and I could tell no one was there but turning the light on seemed like a risk I wasn't willing to take. My soaked feet squished into the carpeted floor with every step. On one side of the room was a window that took up most of the wall, showing off the bright city lights. Other than that there was only a rather small desk and chair. Out of curiosity I turned towards the first cryogenic tube and wiped away the fog on the glass. I fell backward when I saw Fry staring back at me.

"Oh My God."

My hands gently rested on the glass, and no matter how much I tried the door wouldn't budge. I looked down at the timer dial on the tube.

999 years 362 days.

There was only one tube empty, and seeing this an idea sparked in my head. Looking back over at the horrified face of my best friend I wondered, was he worth giving up everything I have? My family, friends, they wouldn't miss me.

No, Fry's been with me all my life, I can't imagine the rest of it without him.

I looked back over at his tube and sighed deeply. The things I'm willing to do for you. I turned my back on him and twisted the dial.

"I'll see you in a thousand years Fry..."

I climbed inside and shut the door.

My Twisted Version of Reality in The Year 3000 ( Philip J. Fry x reader)Where stories live. Discover now