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Chapter 3: Practice

Your POV :)

Miyu helped me complete all the requirements needed for the search for Teukie oppa's wife. I am nervous right now. Will I be chosen among the 1500 applicants? That I don't know.

Miyu: _____, they will call you later since tomorrow's the audition. Thousands of women submitted their forms so there might be several days for them to eliminate and choose. Best friend, you are going to be interviewed so please bring your confidence with you. Do you want me to help you?

I nodded. I had to admit, Miyu is a confident person. Unlike me who is not and lacks a lot of it. She would have been chosen if she joined. But like what she said, she wants to be with Donghae oppa and its wrong for her to join. It's like cheating on Leeteuk, according to her. She's very loyal to Donghae. And I am loyal to Leeteuk as well. After submitting, we went back home and she prepared a set of questions for me to answer. I feel like I'm joining a pageant right now.

She compiled all the questions in a bowl and I picked the first question.

Miyu: "If you were given the chance to have one superpower, what would it be and why?"

That was a tough question. But if it's for Leeteuk, I'd do anything just to be with him forever.

You: If I were given the chance, I would choose to travel in time and I want to go back to where it all began. The day when I became an ELF and a Leeteuk biased. Because time is precious and I want to repeat everything all over again, cherish and remember each moment until the day I die."

I breathe freely after that. Miyu stood still, gave me an ice cold look upon hearing my answer. Uh-oh.

Leeteuk's POV :)

Tomorrow will be the first day of the auditions and I will be there. The girl that captured my attention, or ____ since that's her name still lingered in my mind. There were a lot of pretty girls, yet only one will be chose to be my wife. This will be tough and exciting. I can't wait!

Your POV :)

Then suddenly, someone called. And Miyu answered the phone for me.

Miyu: Hello? Ah, yes. She's my friend. Eh? Shincha? Arraseo.. I'll inform her. Kamsahamnida. *ends phone call* *gives you an ice cold look.*

You: Ya, Lee Miyu, why are you looking at me that way? And who was that? *scared*

Miyu: Tomorrow, 9am at the SM building. Arraseo? *smiles* THAT WAS DAEBAK! YOU GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS!! I WILL DEFINITELY CHEER ON YOU!!!

You: Shincha? For the moment I thought that.. it was horrible.

Miyu: No, it's not. In fact, I was shocked with what you've said.

You: Thanks. But.. I would be staying there for hours without someone to talk to.. And I don't know what will happen next. Miyu can you just enter that audition??

Miyu: *smirks* Hahahaha. Of course I will go with you. *evil laugh* I've planned it already. I'm coming along with you and I will pretend to be a contestant. With our other BFF, Kim Cherry! Hwaiting!

We hugged each other and she helped me choose what outfit to wear on the big day. Cherry arrived to help us out. Having two best friends is the best thing ever. I closed my eyes and realized, THIS IS IT. Leeteuk oppa, I'm here. Please wait for me.

Leeteuk's POV :)

It's time to go to bed and tomorrow.. you know what it is! Hahaha. My future wife, I will wait for you. Whoever and wherever you are right now.

On the Wings of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon