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It was Monday morning~
I start to open my eyes as I was awoken to the sound of my phone going off like crazy.

I slide to the first notation I got that started all the spam I was getting

@ colbybrock is now following you
I read in my head, with the rest above them was people asking me why he was following me.

At first I was confused I've never herd of Colby at all, then I start to go through his Instagram and saw he had a ton of followers mostly them being fan accounts.
I go to message him then I see he was one out of probably hundreds message requests

"Hey I was going through your Instagram and saw you were pretty cute, were you from"

I read from my phone
I ignored it until I went to school with 40 girls asking me what I did to get him to follow me
When I literally did nothing

The day was over it was about 12 am when I see he messaged me again

"Hey you up?"

I read off my phone. I finally respond with
"Hey yeah I'm from California, you?"
He read it with in seconds I was honestly confused.
"Same we should meet sometime, what you doing?"
I didn't want to meet up with just a stranger so I did some research
I googled his name "Colby Brock"
On my lap top I went to imagines and damn he was hot

I ended up replying


You- "Yeah maybe we could, I'm just laying down about to go to bed"

Colby- "me too, you live around la?"

You- "yeah in la"

Colby- "I'm surprised I haven't seen you before "

You- "you live in la?"

Colby- "yeah"

You- "cool, I think ima go to bed, night Colby"

Colby- "good night y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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