Chapter 3

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Hope you enjoy this chapter

Sorry about taking so long to update

========================My brain just wasn't in the mood ========================

Time Skip 4 more years (He is now 7 years old)

Percy is now a master in swords, bows and using a dagger.

Percy is still asking his mother where he came from, but only tell him a little bit at a time. All he has is that he showed up in the underworld and is a demigod... only that in 4 years.

"Mom, when will you actually tell me about how I got here," he complained, "I want to know, but you always find someway to get out of it"

"Fine sweetheart, when you get back from practice with Uncle T's training," she sighed, "we don't have enough time to discuss it"

Percy always hated how she dodged his questions all the time. One time she told him she had to go grocery shopping, he then realised he doesn't eat in the Underworld and another time she just turned into a puddle when she challenged him to a game of hide and seek and if he won she would tell him.

He was about to argue, but Thanatos arrived.

"How are ya little demon!" he exclaimed as he kneeled, "We better get training, I have to teach you 2 more weapons if I want you to complete enough courses in my training book by the time you're supposed to"

"You were supposed to master the fire lance and the Atlatl, " repositioning his knee, "The fire lance is self explanatory, but the Atlatl is the precursor for the bow which could fire a dart at 100mph"

"WHAT, " the little boy exclaimed, "That's so fast. Okay bye Mom see you later"

And with that Percy and Thanatos were gone

Styx loved having her alone time, not that she doesn't like Percy he's just a handful.

"If only my sisters could see me now, " she sighed, "They would be so proud of me being able to raise a kid"

Styx's days were very lonely as she couldn't leave her river for more than a couple minutes every millenia. The river is her life force its her.

With Percy Training With Uncle T

Percy was having a terrible time, he was constantly setting himself on fire with the fire lance. He hasn't even hit his target yet.

"Come on Percy you can do it, you just need to hold it tight and try not to set me on fire... again"

"It's not that simple T, it feels like i'm trying to hold a grenade"

Normally it wouldn't have such an explosive power, but they were using greek fire. You wouldn't want to be on the other end.

"Okay Percy hand me the lance and i'll show you how I hold it." Thanatos grabbed the lance from the boy, "I find it easier to have the back of the lance against the ground when I use it"

Thanatos pushed the back of the lance against the ground and fired the lance. "Here, now you try" he said as he handed the the lance back to Percy

Percy copied his actions and hit his target.

"It worked, it worked, it worked, it worked, it worked, it worked, it worked, " he jumped up and down, "I did it, I think that deserves a cookie, a nice big BLUE cookie the size of my face"

"Well i'm not sure if i'm allowed to give it to you, but how about this?" he questions Percy. "I give you a cookie the size of your head and my blessing if you manage to hit me with your lance"

"Are serious... What's a blessing?" Percy asks T.

"If I give you my blessing then you would have the powers my children would have"

"Wait... demigods have powers?"

"Well yeah, but it depends on your parentage like how Athena children would be incredibly smart or Hermes kids being super fast"

"So what powers do I have? But you said it matters on the parent, do you know who my dad is?" Percy asked Thanatos.

"Sorry, P, but I don't" Thanatos said, but as he saw Percy look sad, "But I have a way to find out, when people die I find out everything about them soooo, " Thanatos trailed off.

"Aren't I technichly dead, since I was sacrificed by my mother"

"Wait you know about that , she told you, i didn't expect her to tell you and you are so ca---" Thanatos was cut off by Percy.

"Well I didn't know until you confirmed my theory"

"Let's talk about that later because now you need to fight me and win so you can move on to another teacher"

"What do you mean another teacher?"

"Well I can't teach you everything can I" The man laughed.

"Then let's begin and i'm expecting a very big cookie after this"

With that they clashed together

(If you want me to do a fight scene then comment and I will)

This was ten whole pages in google docs

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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